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Types of people who have magic

Mage - kind-hearted people who control magic, predictable

Wizard/Witch - not as kind as a mage, teeter on how morally reliable they are, fairly predictable

Warlock - chaotic, absolutely evil people who control magic, not even remotely predictable

Specific Types of Magic

Vita - plant-based magic, relies on Terra magic for balance, can talk to the nymphs and dryads to help the plants, along with the sentinel of the area they watch and guard a segment of the kingdom

Terra - animal-based magic, relies on Vita magic for balance, can talk to the animals to help them, along with the sentinel of the area they watch and guard a segment of the kingdom

Caelestibus - magic that only the kings and the minister fully control, royals do posses only fragments of this kind of magic

Storm - weather-based magic, can be used almost anytime and anywhere, although it is ideal that the user can see the sky

Restoration - magic that focuses on helping people with or without magic alike, typically physical injuries

Spirit - magic that can show the user major points of the target's destiny or history

Memento - usually work for the royals, create scenes of important events, very delicate magic

Mystical Beings

Nymph - a spirit that lives in a perennial (a plant that comes back year after year), like dryads, they possess some characteristics of their plant (usually physical characteristics)

Dryad - a spirit that lives in an annual (a plant that has to be planted again year after year), like nymphs, possess some characteristics of their plant (usually physical characteristics)

Elementals - beings that overwatch certain elements such as day and night, unseen and unheard by most

Sentinels - various beings that watch over a specific area each, always half plant and half animal, lower than an Elemental

Faery/Fae - typically live in the woodlands or forests but able to adapt to other areas, some are trustworthy while most aren't, separate and unique magic

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