Chapter 1

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The wind blew my hair all about as I walked the campus briskly to my next class.

It was my fourth and final year at USC, and I am ecstatic that I'm just months away from getting my degree.

Unfortunately, I'm not in the best of moods today.

Not only am I disgusted by what I just saw this morning, but the mere thought of having to hear Professor Gooden's voice for two hours made me woozy.

I threw my textbooks down on my usual desk beside my best friend, Kiara.

Kiara and I went to high school together.

Now we're going to the same college and pursuing the same career.

She was present in every aspect of my life and was like the sister I never had.

"Do I even wanna know why your face looks like that already and the day just started?" she questioned.

Her face wore a concerned look.

"The struggles that come with living with a man," I answered and she snorted.

I live with my twin brother, who happens to be an enormous whore.

I had to cuss him off about the girl that was in our kitchen in just her underwear, again.

It was absolutely disgusting what they were doing and it's the reason I'm sporting a disturbed look on my face.

My twin brother, Marcus, was the complete opposite of me for several reasons.

Marcus and I got along for the most part.

I let him do his thing and he let me do mine.

He was the one who came up with the idea that we live together.

He likes to say that he just wants to take care of me and watch out for me as a big brother should.

I then like to remind him that he's just five minutes older than me.

Therefore we're equals.

Our shared apartment was fifteen minutes away from campus but living with Marcus was probably the worse decision I've ever made in life.

He was the wide receiver for the school's football team.

He loved the girls and the girls loved him.

He had no shame bringing them to our apartment and exposing me to that part of him that I hated.

Again for me, it was the opposite.

My dating life was nonexistent.

I can't handle going through another talking stage with a college guy.

They're the worst.

They don't do relationships but want all the benefits.

Count me out.

I don't know why, but I just seemed to attract the worst kind of guys and I've yet to feel the excitement I see other girls experience when talking about their relationships.

My previous relationships were lackluster. If you could even call them that.

"What did Marcus do?" Kiara interrupted my thoughts to ask, as our Sociology lecturer went on.

"He's at the apartment, doesn't have a class until later. Tell me why he had a girl in our kitchen in her underwear, again?" I asked frustratedly.

"Serves you right. I told you not to get an apartment with him," she said teasingly.

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