My what?

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Have you ever been in a situation where you mixed with so many emotions you don't know which one is more dominant? You feel like your heart is in your stomache and your going to throw up. Your just hot all over and all you see is red.And nobody else in the world understands what your going through. There are so many questions running through your mind at the same time you feel like your going to pass out .

Yea well this is how I feel right now,sitting across from the familiar stranger who is staring at me with awe and amazement making me squirm in my seat. The girls decided to give us a little privacy but don't worry there in the food court with us about 5 tables down to keep an eye on me. But right now I'm kind of wishing they would have stayed with me. Bringing my attention back to him I open my mouth and ask him the question that popped into my head when I first saw him."Why do you look like me?" I ask harshly narrowing my eyes at him daring him to lie to me. He smirks before letting out a chuckle while I have a questioning look on my face."What's so funny,I'm serious aren't you a little freaked out too we look like twins and I don't even know you and you think its the time to laugh? I finish my rant now glaring daggers into his face while his smirk falls and a serious look cones upon his face.

"Amari isn't it clear by now come on connect the dots," He says. I give him a blank stare I'm still not understanding "Okay before this what's your name? He glances down at his hands for a brief moment before he looks back up with some unshead tears in his eyes,which for some reason made me sad. But all sadness left the window when this sentence came out of his mouth. "My name is Omarion Hall, and I am your big brother" . I nodded my head before my eyes rolled back and I passed out.


"I told you I wasn't trying to talk to her I swear."

"No I know we were suppose to wait until you guys got back but we ran into each other"

"She was so freaked out she passed out that scared the crap out of me"

"Mom, Dad okay calm down no don't leave early we'll just see you in a week and a half."

"It'll give us some time to bond,yes okay love y'all to byee" I recognized the voice as my "brother" and I already know that he was on the phone with my-our parents. What im not understanding is where I was,I sit up and look at my surroundings before I get off the couch. I guess the sound of me walking caught omarion's attention because he came running into the room. When I saw him unshead tears came to my eyes as I stared at his face. "why" I weakly asked him."why would mom dad and even you hide something like this from me for 16 years." I ask walking into my kitchen( after I realized he brought me home.) Going to the kitchen and grabbing my cookie dough which helped me through any and everything as you all know. Coming back to reality I realize my newly found brother was smirking as I munched on my dough.

"WHAT,WHAT IS SO FUNNY?" I scream at him "Nothing.. it just that uh-uh I also eat cookie dough when I'm stressed or sad or whenever I want and its just cool that we have a habit that we share considering mom hates it and dad just eats anything" He explains having a real genuine smile on his face. My eyes and attitude soften so much at what he just said and even though I just meet him and him mom and dad had a lot of explaining to do I know were going to be so close.


Amari's brother omarion is the media

He's so fine,enjoy


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