⌜𝘉𝘰𝘺𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴⌟ 𝘑𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺𝘣𝘰𝘺

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Ship -
Johnny Cade x Ponyboy Curtis x Dallas Winston
Characters -
Johnny Cade, Dallas Winston,Ponyboy, Darry, Sodapop, Steve, Two-Bit
Summary -
Ponyboy has been keeping his relationship with Johnny and Dally a secret. Steve, Sodapop, Two-Bit, and Darry doesn't know about it. Darry has been noticing Ponyboy has been suspicious lately. He once heard making out in Pony's room but wasn't sure.

Requested? Yes, by same-sunset ( 💕 My Friend 💕 )

AN: Sorry if this is long lol. I really liked this idea btw. I added a lot to it. Hope it's good... also that title... lmao no. Also I didn't read it so there might be mistakes. Comment if you find some.

Word count: 4019 (lmao)


Johnny and I held hands as we walk back to my house after watching the sunset together. All we did there was talk about life and we made out. "Dally said he wants to spend time with you tomorrow." He tells me. I just nod and wave goodbye to him. He blows a kiss at me and I smiled.

"Bye babe." Johnny shouts, pretty loudly and walks away. I turn the door knob it was locked. That was odd. It was never locked like this. I knocked and Darry opens it quickly. "Why was the door locked?" I scratch my eyes of tiredness. "Oh it was..." He replies. "What were you guys doing?"

"Not much. We were just watching the sun set." I say. We were, but that's not everything. "That's all you guys did?" Darry raises a brow. "Yup." I nod and look around, pacing back and forth. "Okay." He goes into his room. I went to the bedroom Soda and I shared. He was waiting for me. He was shirtless but he still had his jeans on.

"Ready to go to bed now?" Soda asks me. "Yeah. Hold on." I took off my shirt and pants leaving me in my boxers. I snuggled in with Soda and covered myself with the blanket. I closed my eyes. I couldn't really sleep though. I thought about how my life is going and it's difficult.

I know I will get caught some day. Either I will get caught with Johnny or Dally. Being caught with either with them would seem bad anyway since Darry doesn't expect me to be with anyone but with two people? He will freak out. He might skin me. I furrow my eyebrows, closing my eyes still, then I feel arms wrap around me.

"Are you Okay?" Sodapop asks. "Yeah I'm fine. Just tryin'a sleep." I tell him. He keeps hold anyway. I just thought about Dally since I have to hang out with him tomorrow. I wonder where we'll be at though. My thoughts stopped when I started hearing soda snoring.

I hate whenever he does this because he's so close to me. I can't sleep like this. He actually started snoring since last Saturday. My eyes felt dry which means I really need to sleep but I leaned off the bed a little to reach one of the drawers. I opened it and got out my small notebook and a pencil.

I sat up a little and started writing:

Dear diary,
It's not that late at night but I'm very tired and everyone is sleeping. I've been recently thinking about my relationships with Johnny and Dally. The problem is, is that no one else in the gang knows. I feel like Darry is starting to see what's happening but I'm not sure. He's just like hinting to me that he thinks I'm shady or something like that. I didn't want to get caught or anything. Darry will skin me if he finds out. Especially if I'm 14 and I'm dating guys who are 2-3 years older than me. Now if they realize that I'm dating one of them, they will eventually figure out that I'm dating two guys at the same time. Now they will never talk to me ever again. I'll be alone and depressed probably. Sodapop will probably kick me out of the room to let me sleep in my own or in the living room. They'll probably starve me. They'll kick me out of the house maybe. Even Johnny and Dally would stop talking to me for getting them in trouble also.

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