⌜𝘕𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘞𝘦 𝘔𝘦𝘵⌟ 𝘑𝘰𝘩𝘯𝘯𝘺𝘣𝘰𝘺

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Listen to the song, I think it'll make this story a better experience for you! Before or after or even while you're reading I don't really care~

Ships -
Johnny x Ponyboy
Characters -
Ponyboy, Johnny
Summary -
Ponyboy has insecurities. He's in track and gets bullied for not being as thin and fast as the rest of them. It made him depressed, he ate less and wanted to die. He skips every meal and excuses himself from the dinner table. He finally makes his decision until someone disrupts the idea.
AN - honestly this was inspired from a true story that happened to someone but I added in some more stuff. If you notice someone that shows they are depressed please talk to them and give them help.
Word count - 2003


Ponyboy's POV

I went to the track meet. It was during school so the place was very full. I didn't understand why they couldn't do it after school but whatever. One of the coaches told me my number and I went behind the line. This took forever. I was already sweating. I'm also very small compared to the other guys next to me it made me feel like a wimp. That didn't matter though because they're just older and been doing this for years.

That's true but then I just feel like I don't think I'm good enough. I won't be as fit as them even when I grow up. I've been on track for a year now but the only thing changing is my speed which is good but I don't get my size. I'm so small too. Okay I should just shut up I'm so annoying. Suddenly the guy next to me just stared. "You okay?" He asks. I nod softly. "Yeah why?" I ask getting in position since it's almost time. "I was just listening to what you were just mumbling to yourself I'm just concerned." He shrugs about it.

"Nah seriously I'm fine. That's just a way of pushing myself to reach my goal." I tell him breaking another sweat and I gulped. He just gave a gesture saying okay. I sighed. Everyone got ready. "Ready." The coach starts. "Set.." We all got out legs ready to run. Then we all hear the gun shot. I quickly took off running. I tried not paying attention to the other runners. I was the youngest in the team. I'm just 14 but at least I'm trying. Every minute I just see people going ahead of me and I just get upset about it.

There was no way where people could trip each other and if that happens they get disqualified. Even from talking to other people can get you disqualified! It sucks! Eventually we all made it to the finish line. That was very tiring. People were cheering on. I heard Sodapop say "You can do it Pony!" Every time I went passed him. It made me feel better and confident about myself. We all went to the locker room after 30 minutes later. Changed into our actual clothes and I put on my actual shoes. I went to look at myself in the mirror and fixed my hair.

I didn't like how I look. I looked at my body. I thought I was thin enough until I joined track. Now I know I was thinking wrong. I heard people talk about me and how slow I was while I was in the restrooms. I washed my face and hands. I took a piss since we didn't get a chance to go use the restrooms beforehand. So then I just washed my hands again and went back into the locker rooms. They were talking about the whole thing but suddenly they just stopped talking about me. I was furious because I'm the only one in the team who gets criticized it's no fair. It's probably because I'm the youngest. There is other 14 year olds but they are months older. Plus they look better than me and it makes me feel terrible to be in the team. I should have tried out for football.

It was end of school anyways so I grabbed my backpack and everything with me and I hopped in the car with Sodapop and Darry. They told me that they were proud of me. I smiled at it but it was weak because other thoughts were getting in the way. I barely eat now. I don't wanna be big and be on track I think that's embarrassing/humiliating. It sucks. "So Ponyboy. How was school." Darry asks. "Mmm it was good. It's just tiring." I told him. We got home and I ran to my room. Threw my bag down on the floor and hopped on my bed, face flat. I sighed. "Finally."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2019 ⏰

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