⌜𝘔𝘺 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦⌟ 𝘋𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺𝘣𝘰𝘺

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Ships -
Ponyboy Curtis x Dallas Winston
Characters -
The gang
Summary -
Ponyboy and Dally has been together for about 3 months and they're both happy about it. The gang supports them. It's Christmas and Dally couldn't afford to get anything for Ponyboy so he does something regrettable.
AN: okay this is probably fucked up and sad but I'm in a mood to doing sad stuff yk so here~
Btw this probably sucks because I haven't wrote in a while... I haven't held a pencil since school and this is kinda weird writing now. Okay now this shit better be sad because I'm sad rn and if I screw this up I hate myself.


Dally's POV

I got the lights and wrap it around the Christmas tree. Ponyboy helped me with it. The Christmas tree was at the corner of the living room. Darry comes out of his room and goes to the kitchen to cook something for breakfast. I just woke up like 10 minutes ago just to do this for Ponyboy. He was so cute trying to get me out of bed. Pony and I share a bed and Sodapop just sleeps on the couch. Soda said the couch is comfortable to sleep on anyway but I don't believe him.

We finish putting up the lights. Steve and Sodapop hangs the ornaments. Two-Bit is just drinking his beer and listening to the Christmas songs playing in the background. Johnny was the one who decided to play the music. I'm not sure where he is right now. He's not in the living room though. He's possibly just sitting on the steps outside doing whatever. I'll check on him later.

Ponyboy sits on the couch and I sat next to him. I leaned and relaxed, resting my arm around his shoulder. "So how are you?" I ask him. He looks up at me. "Well tomorrow is Christmas and I'm feeling great. What about you?" Pony smiles. "If you're happy then I'm happy." I kiss him on the cheek. He blushes.

"That's not how it works." He says. "Well if you're happy then I'm happy because you're happy and that's all that matters right?" I hold is hand. He giggles. "I guess..." Darry comes out of the kitchen with snickerdoodles. I love those cookies. They're probably my favorite. Ponyboy gets up before me and sits down at the dinner table. There were no available seats left so I had to stand but I don't mind. Everyone grabbed one. Steve came and grabbed a handful. Sodapop did the same and I was... concerned but I should pay attention to Johnny right now. I took one cookie and walked outside.

So I was right. Johnny was sitting on the steps all by himself. I sat next to him. "Hey Johnny hows it goin'?" I wrap my arm around his shoulder. "I'm doing fine. It's just Christmas sucks for me because every year I don't get anything. My parents just invited their friends over and lock me up in my room. I don't get a gift. Then when their friends leave I'm forced to clean then if I do something wrong my dad hits me hard. Either that or they kick me out for the rest of the night." He tells me. He was shaking a little and I was worried for him.

"You don't have to go back home when Christmas comes. You can stay with Ponyboy or you can stay with me. I recommend staying with Pony though. My parents are harsh too but not as bad as yours. Just don't come back home that's an idea." I advise him. He nods. "Are you okay now? Or is there something else bothering you?" I ask. He shrugs and looks up at me. "Nah." He says. "Nothing else is nothing me. I'm just scared." He starts biting his nails. I finish my cookie.

"Alright Johnny. Are you goin back in or..?"

"I'm coming back I just need some time." He smiles at me.

I walk back inside and everyone is still in the same spot except Darry. He's probably gone to his room. Sodapop and Steve were talking about how they don't have work for a week but they're still getting paid. Whatever. Since a seat was open I sat down next to Ponyboy who looks cute right now as he's eating his snickerdoodles. I got another cookie then I'm done. Then I hear Johnny come in and we smile at each other. He grabs a cookie and sits down on the couch next to Sodapop.

Darry comes out of him room with a bunch of gifts. He was kicking some too and brought them all under the Christmas tree. I wonder which one is mine because I know he got gifts for all of us. I know some are from Sodapop and Ponyboy because they also got gifts for us. I'm surprised there are a bunch though. I probably only got like 2 gifts, not gonna lie. I'm not a favorite in the gang. Everyone likes Sodapop and I get it. I'm just a bad influence on Pony and Johnny. Basically all of us has fun.

Time skip

It's finally Christmas and I groan when Ponyboy shakes me to wake me up. "I'm up!" I sit up. I hear Ponyboy laugh a little. "It's not funny. I hate whenever you wake me up like that." I put on my shirt. "Oh shut up Dally. What do you want me to do? Spill water on you?" He says. "No..." I look at him. "OkAy then."

I get up and we both walk into the living room. Oh shit. I just realized I didn't give Ponyboy anything and I'm pretty sure he gave me something. Well atleast we don't open gifts until the sun sets. Johnny was sleeping on the couch, I'm glad he didn't leave because I told him to. Sodapop was sleeping on the floor okay. Damn I feel bad for him. Now I feel like everyone lives here. I mean I don't really live here I come here sometimes to sleep next to Ponyboy and sometimes it's the other way around. Now I'm second thinking it, Johnny should stay at my house. Shit I don't know where to put Johnny. I'll figure it out tomorrow.

Ponyboy slowly wakes Johnny up and told him sit up. Ponyboy sits next to Johnny. "Hey Pony, I'm gonna go out for a bit." I tell him. "Okay see yah." He says. I come towards him and peck him on the lips before I go. I took a long walk to a store. It had everything. Today was Christmas and it's embarrassing to be shopping for a gift now. I know some people is doing the same thing as me but I feel bad. I usually don't give a shit about anything, or that's what people thinks about me. So yeah, I don't give a shit about anything except giving Ponyboy a gift for Christmas. I'll get one for Johnny too because I know he's going through a ton of shit.

I walk around trying to figure out what to buy. I went to the book section. I know he lOves reading, why not. I grabbed a random book because I don't know what genre he's into really, I also sure hope he likes it at least. I mean it's something, right? I put the book in the shopping basket. I've been noticing that whenever I go near a person they just walk away. They probably know me as a greaser or they just thin I look sketchy. Or the fact that I have a gun in my pocket. Okay I get it. It's not loaded... I won't even use it here of course there is no purpose to since it's Christmas it'll be fucked up if I just use to today to scare people. I'll be thrown in jail again.

Since this is taking forever I posted it this will be part one and part two will come later~

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