⌜𝘔𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘦 𝘕𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵⌟ 𝘋𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺𝘣𝘰𝘺

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Ships -
Dallas Winston x Ponyboy Curtis
Characters -
Ponyboy and Dally and Sodapop
Summary -
Dally watches a sad movie. Ponyboy wanted to join in blah blah blah, read.
(Also Ponyboy and Dally are already a thing)
Requested? No
Thanks for the prompt ponysiders <3

AN: I don't think I like this. It's just short but it's cute. I don't think I wrote it well either. I haven't wrote in a while so that probably says something?? I didn't bother to edit this either so correct me if there are mistakes.

Word count - 778 😔 bothers me how short it is...


Ponyboy's POV

I have been thinking about something recently. Do I really get scared easily? Everyone keeps teasing me about it. Especially Steve. One time he came from behind and called my name out. It scared the shit outta me to be honest but what kind of reaction did he expect? A straight face? I did jump too.

I heard some noise coming from the living room, I think it's there. I got up from my bed, me and Soda shared. Soda looks up at me. He was laying on the bed. "Where are you going?" He asks me.

"Just gonna go to the living room for a second. I heard something." I tell him and open the door. "Oh it's Dallas. He said he was gonna put up a movie. I forgot what kind though." Sodapop says and I nod. I leave the room and headed to the living room.

No one was there, I'm so confused. Then I see Dally come out of the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn. He was gonna eat that all by himself?? Nani no! (I don't watch anime don't assume I watch anime lmao)

I walked close enough to Dally until he noticed me. "Oh hey sexy. What are you doing here?" He winks and I blush. "Sodapop told me your watching a movie so I came." I explain to him.

"Ah Okay. I'm just watching a scary movie. But you're way too delicate to watch one though, so you should leave." Dally tries to hide a smile as he looks at me. "What? Come on. Dally please."

"Nah man, you're gonna cry." He tells me and he sits on the couch. I come up to him and started threatening him. Not those bad threats but threats that could make me watch the movie with him.

Dally drags me to the couch, making me sit down. "Okay, Fine..you cutie." He gets up and gets the disk for the movie. I looked at the popcorn and ate some. Eventually he was finished doing whatever and he sat back down next to me.

I scoot in closer to him and Dally wraps his arms around me and I had my head on his shoulder. He had his head on mine and I was really comfortable. I'm sure he was comfortable too. We also had a blanket over us.

The movie starts with a girl in her big house. She suddenly gets a call from this random guy and she assumed he got the wrong number blah blah... she dies.

To be honest I was scared. I looked around and Dally keeps looking at me. "What are you doing." He asks me. "What, what am I doing? Don't we all ask ourselves that too?" I continue watching the movie. "Okay.." He says.

So many scary scenes has passed and boy, am I scared as fuck!

Twenty minutes in, the popcorn was done by then, and something bad has happened. Oh my gosh, Sam dies! tears started coming. I looked away from him and hopefully he didn't see anything odd about that. I don't want Dally to actually see me crying after him calling me delicate and me saying I wasn't!! That'd be awkward and I would feel embarrassed.

Dally tilts my head towards his and then frowns at me. "I was not ready for this." I admit to him and he just smiles softly at me. Dally pulls me into a hug and gently whispers, "I know you weren't." I smile at what he says and sniff. I wipe my tears away. He places a kiss on my forehead.

He then gets up and grabs a case of another movie that was just next to him. So he knew I would cry or something. He's so smart. He removes the disk from the other movie and puts in the other one that was Rated G movie. one that can't make me cry.

So Dally sits right next to me and we snuggle up on the couch and watch the movie he just put in.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙾𝚞𝚝𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜 ⌁ 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now