Chapter 3

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His light grey eyes bore into mine until I looked away. His jaw was sharp, so sharp that I could get my finger bleed. He had pink fuller lips and a perfect white set of teeth. He looked like those models on the billboard in the New York City.

"It's not that you own this seat. Whoever came first, conquered it." He smirked at me and his accent was thick.

As I was about to retaliate, I realised that we were not alone in the room. Some students were glancing at us with glittering eyes hoping to witness a fight between us. Seeing the situation around me, I decided not to argue any further.

"Fine," was all I could manage to say and moved to the farthest corner of the room possible. As soon as I reached my desk I banged the books on it, attaining attention of the now almost filled class.I sat in the extreme right corner of the room near the window. It was sunny outside with birds flying high in the sky.

An elderly looking lady entered the class and addressed us.

"Morning class. Welcome to the new session. I hope you guys had fun this summer and are now pumped up to study a bit." The class booed in unison.

"Well for starters, let's get to know each other today. I'm Miss Jonas and I'll be taking your Sociology. Now please introduce yourselves. Let's start with you." She pointed towards a girl wearing spectacles and she introduced herself. I was not interested in any of them but him. The guy who dared to sit on my seat. My Freaking seat! As soon as his turn came, I was all ears.

"I'm Mason and..." Miss Jonas interrupted him by asking his full name.

"Uh... I'm Mason Smith. I moved back here recently and um, well, I'm back here so just tryna fit in, that's all." Girls giggled while the guys cursed him under there breath.

Five more minutes passed and then it was my turn to introduce myself. This was a custom here to introduce ourselves every year to the teachers even if they knew us. I hated it and it made me embarrassed to introduce myself every year. It made me sick to my gut. Gathering some courage, I stood up. "I'm Ava Davis. I kinda keep to myself and love reading fictions."

"Oh really, like we care," he huffed.No, not again, not in front of the teacher. "Excuse me? What did you just say?" I tried to act calm but this guy pushed me to my limits.

I was waiting for his comeback but the bell rang."Alright that's enough for today. Kindly sign before you people leave. See you all tomorrow." I gathered my things and stormed out of the room.

"Miss Davis, sign please." Miss Jonas almost ran towards me. I came back in room and was forced to wait behind Mr. Mason arrogant Davis to sign the slip.

He signed the slip and without saying a word to me left the room. I was relieved. The room appeared much calmer as soon as her left.
I signed the paper and headed towards the exit door.

"Boom!" I was startled. I dropped my book on the floor. My heart was in my mouth and I gasped for air. Fuck! How dare he do that! He nearly gave me a death experience.

Mason was enjoying my reaction and was holding his stomach  laughing. His laughter was not less than a music note to ears, provided I was furious "Look at your face, I should have clicked a picture."

I bent down to pick up my books and expected him to help me but instead he walked away, leaving me picking up my stuff in disappointment.

(I hope you guys are enjoying. Please rate and comment. It won't take a nanosecond for you guys to rate. I'm updating more than necessary today so please appreciate my work and do comment and rate. Also, I've uploaded the picture of Mason Smith)

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