Chapter 4

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I sat in the cafeteria. How can he be so rude? He's new here and he has the nerve to act like a jerk to me. Well, he's not technically new here but at least he missed what happened in the town for a few years. Suddenly I was struck with a random thought. Do I know him? If he s from this town, I must know him. But nothing of this sort clicked my mind.

As I was buried thinking about that rude bastard, Willliam showed up with a tray full of lunch stuff.

"Damn! The cafeteria's packed like the New York streets."

I didn't respond.

"Hey? Are you even listening? I'm saying that we have fourth period together so let's finish lunch and head towards the class. Alright?"

"Yeah, sure."

"What's gotten into you today? So short replies?"

There's a rude,new mysterious guy in the school. Oh and yes he smieked at me which I usually hate.

"Oh, nothing it's just the work stressing me out" I exhaled sharply. "Should we head towards our next class? We have the fourth period together."

"No wait, let me eat my meal in peace" he said with his mouth full of Australian brownies.

I looked around the cafeteria to spot Mason but  I didn't. I was relieved. At least the rest of the day could be spent in peace.

I grabbed William by his arm to get to the bio lab as soon as possible. William threw tantrums like a baby but I ignored. "Hey lady, be a little polite please" he teased me. I smiled but didn't loosen my grip around his arm.

A triumphant smile played on my lips when I reached the lab. It was empty. I had retained my self respect by arriving early. I walked in, my head held high and marching like I had won a war going on for a decade.

Usually there were three students on one lab table and were supposed to work as a team but since sixth grade I and William were never intrigued by a third person for which we were quite happy.

Students began trickling in the lab and I was hoping not to have a third partner. As soon as Mr. Marshal entered the lab, I was certain that this year too, me and William would cast a great team. But I was thrown down from cloud nine when I saw Mason Smith enter the room right behind Mr.Marshal. I narrowed my lids and looked around. All the tables except us were full with three students each. Of course the trio, sat together. Bianca caught me staring at them and mummered something into Molly's ear. I looked away as quickly as possible.

"Mr. Smith, first things first, you have to be seated in the lab before I enter. If you cannot, please get yourself another subject." This was one of the reasons why I would reach a class, especially his class early. I pretended to be busy with the microscope but I was all ears towards them.

"I'm sorry sir it won't happen again. Actually I'm a punctual guy, but I was caught in something which required my utmost attention. You can ask Miss. Davis about my punctuality. She knows all about it.

I was stunned, and so was William. He elbowed me and titled his head a bit showing his amusement.

(Hi peeps. I'm so sorry I wasn't able to update the next chapter. I was a bit busy but please keep enjoying everything I post. Rate and comment as well. Would love to hear about your theories)

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