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Dawn walks around, looking for Nikki, she knows she's planning something, and she wants to be part of it. She walks into the gym, hoping Nikki would be in there but the only person there is Owen, a guy who has a crush on her. She enjoys turning him down whenever he asks her out.

He's practicing for the basketball tryout but he keeps missing the basket. Dawn sneaks up to him.

"Boo!" She yells just as Owen shoots and this time, it enters the basket.

Dawn starts laughing. "You're never gonna make the team playing like that."

Owen turns to look at her and she can tell he's embarrassed.

"Its not that easy," he says.

"Actually," she takes the ball from him, turns around so that her back is facing the basket and shoots, it enters, "it is. I was the star player for my middle school's basketball team."

"You have to coach me," Owen pleads.

"Can't, I'm a terrible teacher. Last year, I tried to teach my little sister how to count, now she's scared of numbers."

Owen sighs and sits on the bleachers, "I'm never gonna make the team."

"Don't worry, Nikki can teach you."

"No!" Nikki pops out from behind one of the bleachers, startling Owen but not Dawn, she's used to Nikki popping out of nowhere.

"Woah!" Owen exclaimed, "where did you come from?"

"Well, sixteen years and nine months ago, my parents-"

"Nikki, since you're here, you can help Owen practice," Dawn interrupts before Nikki can go any further.

"No. You should be the one to do it, it'll make your love stronger."

"Why were you hiding behind the bleachers?" Dawn changes the topic.

"The love of my life is going to walk through that door any minute now." Nikki turns to the entrance of the gym and slowly sinks back to her hiding spot. "I'm in stalker mode."

A few seconds later, the janitor walks in with a mop and mop bucket. "You're in love with the janitor?" Owen asks.

"Not him, him," Dawn refers to MG who walks in a few seconds after the janitor and walks over to them.

"Do you guys know where Nikki Olvera is?" He asks.

"I'm here!" She pops out again from behind the bleacher, Owen is startled again and so is MG.

"Where'd you come from?" MG asks.

"Well, sixteen years and nine months ago-"

"So, MG, why are you looking for Nikki?" Dawn interrupts Nikki again.

"Did you just call me MG?" He asks.

"No." Dawn smiles.

"Oh, well, Principal Butkis *chuckle* wants you to know that you got the lead role."

They couldn't believe it, Principal Butkis actually let Nikki be the star of the play. When MG walks away, they're still in shock.

"Let's not act surprised, its pretty obvious that I am meant to be a star." Nikki says proudly. "I'm glad Butkis has realized that too."

"I guess I'll see you at practice." Owen says.

"Yeah- what?"

"I'm Trevor."

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