Part 20

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 Once the wedding finishes and the honey moon passes . Things go back to normal well as much as it could be considering that we were look still for any info on Arlo only a few scraps of info seem to turn up here an there the more we look the less we find it begins to get frustrating and tedious but we keep going. I could tell that Leon's nerves were begin to fray do to the pack putting up abit of a fuss as the becoming of age party was coming up . The new pack members that turned 18 this year were getting a party to celebrate them becoming adults. I was also on the deciding committee . 

 As the day arrives and we are ready to celebrate we get unexpected news that Lizzy is pregnant.So we celebrate it as well .Leon and I are there for most of the party but then we switch with Sid and Lizzy as Leon wants to take me some where. " Where are we going Leon ?" I laugh as he tugs me into the thicket.He turns wolf and I follow suite as I'm extremely curious he and I run to a high up cliff and he lays there watching the stars twinkle and the full moon that was huge but the clouds begin to come in but only cover the moon.I gasp then seeing the Aurora Borealis after we watch for a good few minutes he turns human and I do so as well. " Crystal ."

"Yes ?"He gets on one knee and my eyes go wide . 

" Will do you the honour of marrying me with God as our witness?"He offers a box up and opens it to a beauty of a ring a blue aquamarine with two small diamonds on each side. I gasp and stare at him his eyes glowing a green I had never seen almost unreal to the human eye the Auroras making his eyes shine even brighter. 

" Yes of course . I never knew that we would end up as this but abloustly yes!!" I exclaim as my eyes fill with tears of joy and happiness .I hug him and he stands up into my arms my hug reaching around his neck and I'm on on my tiptoes he leans down to kiss me and his face lights up in a huge smile. When we head back we part ways at the stairs as he was swamped with work he put off all day. I go to my room as our engagement was still a secret so no one new yet. I begin thinking of the wedding . What dress would I wear ? What would my side of the family say ? How are we going to have as our theme .  After reading and praying I fall asleep thinking about this. 

" Crystal could you come to my office  . "   Leon's voice wakes me up next morning it sounds important. I wake , rub my eyes and get ready. 

" Coming ."   When I get to his office . The detective was there as I look around at both Leon's and his face I knew bad news was brewing." What have you found out ?"

" Well miss you better sit down for this ." I sit down facing both of them. " I have found his current whereabouts but only just barely survived getting out without being found out. It....Its.... really bad ....he's in a prison of a rival camp for ...apparently nothing but a simple mistake of spilling a cup on the Alphas daughter. He's caged made a laughing stock of the whole pack. He's about skin and bones though his clear size frightens off the lower members. " I gasp. " There's more. I snuck over and talked to him he was barely conscious he only said one word and it was " Sister." " I zone out at that point thinking about my pass if I remember anything. " Crystal ? Crystal?" I shake my head looking at him. " I was saying that I got a blood sample from him and I compared his dna to yours ,well got the lab to get it tested for me and it ......matches he's your older brother . " My eyes grow wide and I don't say anything but I look at Leon . His eyes just as wide as mine . He gives us the location of the camp I grab mine. " Ill leave you , I have to get back to my room . " He gets up and shakes our hands leaving . 

" We need to save him."  we say in snic  . We begin devising a plan . We then make a meeting and we begin to pack to go on the road . Leon wants at least three members of the pack to go with us. We plan to leave the pack to Sid and Liz . Unexpected help shows up from Red,Leon's dad . I look up at his sheer size and smile back at his sheepish grin as he offer his hand in agreement . " Finally nice to work with you Alpha Red." I tease him . I hear the silent chuckle and grin."Now I see where Leon gets his rouge charm." He finally lets out huge laugh as Leon begins blushing hard. 

"Hey!!!Thats not fair.The charm is all me." He comes and hugs me from behind nuzzling me. Red raises an eyebrow at us.

" Did you two do something ? You two seem awfully close today more so then ever." He teases us . 

" Yes ...." I look at Leon if i can tell . He nods" He purposed to me and I said yes ." I smile brightly .

" Congrats you two , when is the wedding ?"

" Not any time soon as we are going to focus on saving Crystal's brother first . " Leon smiles sadly but his eyes say that he'd rather leave me home so I would stay protected . 

" Your not leaving me behind Leon no way no how.He's my brother I have every right to be there. Im not fragile ,I'm more then capable to fight just like you. My wolf wants out ."Leon sighs. 

" Stop it both of you . You know very well Leon that its her brother and she wants to be there he was calling for her not rescue . " 

"Exactly Leon he was looking for me ." I look at him my eyes blazing.

" You don't know that !!How do you know that!!" Leon becomes angry. 

" I just know ." I whisper this .His eyes look at me his furry gone and his shoulders slump . 

" I love you Crystal but I don't want you hurt can you please stay home and watch the pack .My father and our men can find him and get him out. I'm not wanting to lose you again from being hurt to a point you almost died. "His voice was pleading . I heard his heart cry out in these words.

" Fine !! I'm headed out then I'm not going to listen to your plans there no point." I walk up the stairs and slam the door . I know I was acting like a kid but I wanted to be the one to save my brother .I knew Leon would hate it if I would sneak out and do it my self but I really wanted to do this myself I had to. 

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