Part 18

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 When I wake I gasp sitting up quickly panting my mind swirling with thoughts . I cover my face and sigh feeling the sweat covering it . I get up and go take a shower . I pray that the bad dreams and thoughts leave. After a nice long shower I grab my books and head to the nearby library to drop off the old ones and pick up some new novels. As I leave I hear some one call my name . Just as I turn to face them I'm knocked out from behind and my world goes blank . 

" Crystal ? ......CRYSTAL?!!!"  Leon's voice was only an echo in my mind . 

When I wake I have a splitting headache and I'm chained to a post in a canvas tent the rain hitting the material like a slap . I wince every time a hard drop hits the top. A young boy comes in and bathes my face and then he feeds me bread and a bit of broth and a ladle full of water. " Where-Who are you?" I ask quietly he shakes his head in say he wasn't allowed to talk to me. I let my senses spread and smell the fresh grass and the scent of a rushing river near by next to a field of scented flowers.  My scent was painting a picture of the surrounding areas even it went through the camp the people and the fire. As I did this the boy left  and new scent entered into the tent a spicy cinnamon scent .I look up as much as my sore neck would let me to see a broad shoulder man walk in his face hard and his features abit wild. His hair was dark brown it kept long in a warrior braid. His outfit was camo army pants and a grey top .

" You were a catch my my . Look at the pretty features those eyes break glass.But not my reason I kidnapped you. You have something I want girl."

" What do you want ." I growl my teeth grow and I feel the shift coming.

" Enough, I want your help . I...need your help. " He spits the last part out not liking the fact that he was showing vulnerability . 

"My help can I help you? " I ask now more curious . I shift my body abit so could sit more comfortably .

" I need you skills your quite famous Miss. I had to kidnap you because I knew you'd never agree to come to me.I'm an alpha as you can smell. I know this sounds sketchy.It's rumoured you have the best form a shifter can get and that is speed and agility to the max. Well I need you to use those abilities for me there is a race that I can not complete with twists that are not possible for a wolf of my bulk and size. " He says this quietly.

" You need me to complete it for you then ?"

" Yes but you must win it if you do not my daughter will marry a tirant a rouge that has kidnapped her not because he loves her but because she is pretty.You will be racing with the best of the Stinger ray pack they are the the band of rouges sweeping the area stealing females left and right . "

" May I think about this ?" He nods.

" One day is all I can give you . The race is tomorrow . "

" Can  I contact my mate .?" 

" Yes ,I will come by your tent tonight I am going to leave you chained though. " 

" Ok."  He leaves and I connect to Leon ." Leon you there?"

" Yes my love I'm here where are you ? I 'm coming to find you help where you are located?" 

" Don't I'm fine I'm going to race for an alpha his daughter was kidnapped and he cant run. " 

"No excuse to kidnap you ."  I feel his anger growing ." I'm coming anyways . I don't care how far it is. " 

" My mate the race is tomorrow Im going to do it . His words are true. "   I send peace his way and I feel his body calm down . 

" My love please be careful I almost lost you once I wont be as calm if you end up in a state like last time . My wolf will go crazy I your hurt again. "  His voice was strained and pleading . 

 " Its a race . How can I get hurt like last time?"  I ask. I receive no answer . He was distracted as our Beta Sid  comes in with Leon's sister  . The alpha comes into my tent so I block off the communication. 

" Have made your decision?" His rough voice breaking at the end. His huge form could easily break mine but I see his worry in his eyes as I was his only hope  to save his daughter. 

" I will do it of course . Next time don't kidnap me though just ask . " I say this softly as I didn't want to be mean cause of my equal status I could talk like this to him.  He agrees  and unlocks me and bandages my wrists . Im given the tent as my own and brought food . Only males resided in this camp as I had explored the clearing and few tents.  I realized this was only a temporary set up.  I see a warm fire  burning in the middle of camp . The cold weather had started to set in for a long cold night despite the season we were in. The woods kept the place nippy but the clearing was a lush meadow of slowly budding flowers.At the evening guard change a ruckus came from the woods to the south of us . In came a pack of bachelor wolves in the late teens and early twenties. When they turned back to their human selves they were clearly the group who had kidnapped the Alpha's daughter their grins full of swagger. 

" Hey Alphy who you got to run against us. " They all laughed between themselves and marched up to the Alpha . 

" You young fools test my patiences . Do not worry you are equally matched who is running for you ?" He asks this stiffly as he was between a rock and hard place dealing with this trouble bunch ." 

" I will run . " The tall one in the group says . " As agreed the course is to the mountains base and back it has been clearly marked by scent markers and scratches on the trees . We run as wolves as we agreed.  If we win we keep your daughter . If you win we will give your daughter back ." 

" As we have had agreed." The Alpha says. The band brings the daughter over to the father ." Dearest." he says as he hugs the girl tightly . She smiles hugging back. 

" Enjoy her while you can  . You won't see her after this . " One of the younger members taunts. 

" You think I'm not prepared to face you .You will eat your words tomorrow. " The Alpha growls at them . As night descends we head into our sleeping areas. I read my Bible I had kept with me in my backpack . I pray and then sleep.

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