Part 5

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I quietly sleep for a good few hours my body exhausted and my mind slips in and out of the dark of being out cold .Then a burst of light hits I gasp as I'm plunged into forest like surrounding countless statutes of stone wolves circling where I stood ."Choose" a voice echo's through my mind. Confused at the word I look at the sculptures of wolves and come across a slight form wolf that was not only tall but seemed almost staring at me.

"This one I call out ." Not knowing who I was talking to but answering the command.

"Very well." The sculpture cracked and crumbled to pictures . I gasp and then plunged back into the darkness of my mind .

"She's still asleep." The doctor sighs running a hand through his already messed up hair."She is mending ,the wounds from the tree are healing well. " Leon nods and heads back out only to check to see if I was awake.

I jump up in bed waking abruptly . "You're awake good." The doctor says as he looks up from his paper.He stands up and checks my vital signs as I watch ."You need to stay here for about a week.Your body is still healing ."I nod and he leaves I wait quietly .I look around me finding myself in a small but clean room . I hold up my left hand which is stuck with an iv at the wrist and a spot on my chest is bandaged heavily. I sigh leaning back again not able to stay sitting for long cause of my breath . I also have a oxygen mask on . When the doc returns he returns with Leon and Sid both of them enter running. Sid begins to race to me but stops . I see Leon staring at me and he clumsily runs forward and he take my hand in his .

"You're awake Crystal ....Thank goodness. "He lays his head on the bed out of breath.

"Leon are you ok ?" I ask confused as he was heaving his breaths coming in gasps.He nods and Sid laughs.

"We're ok Crystal we ran from the other side of the reserve to get here." Sid smiles panting as well. Leon looks up at me and his eyes search me deep. I stare back looking for understanding. "Leon you need to say something."

"I'm ok but I wanted to say I was really worried. He gingerly hugs me but his hug engulfs me I sigh as I hug back for some reason completely content and feeling safe in his arms. I automatically snuggle in to him. He hugs me even tighter but gently, aware of my wounds.Some one clears their throat from behind . I blink then back up lightly pushing Leon . He lets go looking away embarrassed .I smile up at him as he stands. Sid smiles and snickers as we look at a broad shouldered guy in front of us . " Alpha Red " Leon gets up and nods his head once.

"Leon could I talk to you there are many urgent matters to attend . " Red says quietly I barely hear what he said .Leon nods and walks out Sid comes closer lightly stroking my hair . I think about the weird dream I had .Had I made the right choice .I stare into space . Leon comes back in "Crystal... When your healed you appear before the counsel of 7 ."

"Wait what ?" I ask not understanding .I watch as Sid's eyes go wide then at look at Leon harshly .

" The counsel of 7 ? Why Leon? Why her? She's done nothing ." Sid growls softly . "I disagree she needs no integration ."

" No you're right she hasn't they just want to meet her ." Leon says his head drooping and a growl escapes his chest.

"The counsel of 7 ?" I ask worried. " Who are they ? Why do I need to meet them?"I watch Leon.

"Don't worry your little self about it ." Sid smiles hedgingly.

" I had a weird dream last night. " I blurt out . Leon and Sid blink . I explain it to them their eyes grow wide .

" You...know that field of statues ..." Sid stammered looking at Leon nervously . Leon nods . "We are wolves you already know that ."

" Yes ."

" Well that field where we all chose our wolves .You picked the one all of us have dreamed to be but ours was according to our strength abilities ect. That form is know as the ultimate form the best of all states abilities." My eyes go wide .

"What.... Do you mean you mean I'm like you guys ? " they nod .No wonder I was drawn here . Something told me to come here.When do I turn ?. " Leon sighs softly .

"Do feel anything towards me ..?" Leon asks suddenly . His eyes look through mine .

" I feel a connection a slight bond between us . It grows stronger each day though ."Leon smiles a little happy that I realize the connection as well. "So when do I turn?"

" I think you'll turn on your bday." Sid replies.Leon nods back in agreement excusing himself as his father mind messages him to go and complete some more work.

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