Part 22

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 Morning streamed into my window and slowly moved along the bed to where I was laying .It felt good on my limbs as the ache began to settle in. The adrenaline I had to move wore off during the night making my limbs heavy and hard to move . My broken ankle felt even heavier cause of this. I looked at the time groaning as it was 12pm ,I almost had slept the day away. I honestly didn't care except that my stomach was growling badly as I was smelling the bacon frying on the pan .I scent the air telling it was Sid doing the frying Leon was still in his room. The familiar scents relaxed me and made me feel peaceful . I get my self up and read and pray and head for  a nice hot shower wanting to get grime off of me keeping my broken leg out of the water.Heading  down after putting on sweat pants and a t shirt over new under clothes . I hop to the huge mess kitchen on my crutches . I watch as Sid expertly cooks up a feast for a huge crowd and I grab myself a glass of chocolate milk as I lean against the counter. Sid turns to me smiling lopsidedly and comes over and ruffles my hair . " I missed you too you know. You had us very worried the whole pack was out looking you should of heard us at night the howls were so mournful. The pack was feeling the loss of their Luna . Liz wouldn't eat the last few days despite her condition and she snapped at me a couple of times . I'm expecting a crowd for this morning as you're back . Go sit ill bring you a plate when I'm done." he hugs me gently and he goes back to cooking. I move to the couch in the mess hall. The hall already set for the morning . I begin dozing and wake quickly when I hear the friendly chatter of many voices coming into the room. I smile at them as they rush to me and hug me and shake my hand. Then they all settle at a table and this continues for about an hour.Finally when all have sat down and Sid put the food out at the buffet tables Leon walks in his presence brings cheers from the teenagers which then the adults shushed . Then a huge cheer broke out and all the members were cheering loudly .

"Our luna is back ." They shouted . I smile standing up and hoping over to Leon who promptly picks me up and holds me in his arms so I was seating on his arm. 

" Yes I'm back and I bring some news.The rouge pack my brother was trapped in may come here and fight that is if the find me but I don't think they will as we sent to 2 other states and made the path as dizzying as possible. " They chuckle at that ." My brother is not out of the woods yet so be patient with him as he might act a bit reserved when he's finally well enough to move. " Shouts of approval filled the room. Then the door opens and Liz comes in squealing as she see me again . She waddles as fast as she can to get to me throwing her arms around my waist as Leon carrying me. 

" I missed you so much don't scare me like that again." she begins crying as she hugs me tightly. I smile and hug her back best I could at my angle. 


The party had gone well and now I was visiting Arlo bedside as he lay out cold  . His limbs had lost a lot of meat and his face was sunken abit from the lack of proper food and water. Even with our abilities no food for over a month began to take its toll on us. I didn't touch him just stared . My memories of him were no where yet he was my brother a blood brother only his name sounded familiar . It made me want to search into our past and to look for my parents but something told me it was going to get complicated here on out . A war was brewing in some distant hills as the rouges looked for us. A pang for marriage was beginning to burn in my thoughts. I wanted to be married but also not as after you marry the bond becomes stronger and you really cant leave your mate long only a week at max before you began to go back home without you doing anything. But I knew it was time to tie the knot . I began getting a mental list going as I sat by Arlo's bed. I gain a chuckle from Leon as he sees the plans going on in my mind. 

 " When you planning for ?"  he was amused and curious .There was something else there though a want that I felt in myself growing the more we knew each other. I was also remind of the verse in the Bible that when a man and wife marry they were to become one and we had become in tuned to each other but we were still learning about each other.

"Next Saturday ."  I link back blushing as I knew it was kinda quick but I want to be fully his in sickness, and health.

 " Ok you have alot of preparing to do in a short time.I'll help when I can but I have pack work and now letting the Counsel of 7 know about this. "  We both sighed at that . The 7 were good people except the beta female she hated me and Leon . The 7 would be offended if we didn't invite all of them. " I messaged Lupin and he said they be happy to join us for our wedding and congrats . He had more news though Ceo is pregnant with at least twins and they are due real soon.I'm putting Hayden on alert."  His voice goes distracted at the end . He was conversing with Hayden getting him prepared for the possible births . I was growing excited I can't wait and I was hoping Arlo would be well enough then to be able to walk me down the aslie with my adopted dad . Leon was already getting the flight tickets bought for my parents. Liz and I were on hyper mode decorating the hall by Wednesday everything was decorated . We were now practising waiting for the plane to be landing at the nearby airport . I was excited and nervous to see my adoptive parents again as I hadn't seen them in a year . Even though we kept in contact .After we practised for the 18th time we got into the car and rushed over . 

" Mom !! Dad !!" I hop up to them on my crutches and we embrace they ask me what happened . I explain as Leon tenses his grip on me still abit mad at me for that escape trick . He grumbles under his breath as I grin sheepishly up at him. My mom begins to giggle and dad belts out a laugh at the display .

" You two are clearly meant to be together. Son she has you wrapped around her little finger . " Leon glares at my dad for that comment but it was the truth and he knew it. " Now now don't glare at me she has me wrapped around it too ." My dad grins sheepishly as Mom now glares at him. Leon begins to laugh fully and I look at him he's never fully laughed like that before so I smile happy he can be at ease around my parent's " I think you and I will get along fine ." 

" Oh no now he has an ally in his dad schemes ." Mom whispers to me I begin snickering . We head to the car Leon had brought and he helps put the luggage in the back . I sit in the front and everyone else piles in . It was time to head home.

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