partying ?

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we arrived to the party and It was the typical teenage party. if you get me. shawn and I kind of stared at the house. it was huge actually.
as he lead me in, I stayed by his side. he held my hand and I immediately started feeling butterflies.

"do you want to go down stairs and maybe just chill?" shawn asked cutting me out of my thoughts.

"sure" I said with a smile.

we walked downstairs to the basement area and it was pretty cool. some of the guys and Elizabeth was there. we greeted them and sat down on the couches there.

"do you want me to get you a drink?" taylor asked.

"uhhh sure,yeah I'll just have water or somethin." i said unsure of myself. I don't drink or anything.

"ok" he said and walked away.
I looked across the room and saw liz (my nickname for elizabeth) flirting with shawn.

jealously soon filled me. he's not even mine and I'm worrying about him ?psshh I need to stop. I then saw liz kiss him on the cheek. that's kinda when I lost it. I got up and walked into the living room and out the door.

I was then stopped by taylor who I guess followed me. he turned me around and look at my face.

"hi" i said.
"why did you leave ?" he asked
"no specific reason,it just got boring and I wasn't in the mood for all of it" I stated

"are you sure?here,I can go home with you." he said and started walking.

I walked in front of him and stopped him "listen,you don't have to. just because I'm not feeling good doesn't mean that I have to kill your fun"

"no it's fine,trust me. I wanted to go home anyways" he said

"okay okay I guess" I said feeling a little bit guilty that he went home early.

"so do you boys have a thing for my sister or somethin ?" I asked just questioning honestly.

"well she's pretty cool and hott and stuff." he said making me laugh.

"yeah" I said while giggling.

"why are you laughing missy?" he said while smiling.
"cuz you guys totally make it noticeable. like a lot." I said while looking at him with a weird face.

"aye I can't control it okay?" he said while now giggling.

"yes sir" I said while walking up to the door. taylor soon unlocked it and I walked in the living room. he then turned on the tv and we watched it for a while.

I started to fall asleep and then I soon just passed out on the couch.

usually forgotten.( a magcon fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now