funerals and hugs

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//a week later after the test\\


taylor walks into my room and sits in my bed. I lean up to look at him.

"so are you the father?" I ask.

"" he says

"then why would you think it's your kid? I still can't believe you taylor" I said. I've been acting like a witch with him lately. but I think I have the right to.

"uhmm well I think you can tell why..." he said awkwardly.

"why with liz?honestly eww. you could have done much better. I can treat you much better." I said

"I know madd-"

"don't call me maddie,I think you should leave taylor. I was right,you would just play me."


"you should have thought about this before you went messing around with liz,taylor."

"I love you"

it took me all my might to not say 'I love you too taylor' because the truth was that I love him. sucks that the people you love the most,can hurt you the most.

"okay" I said and a tear left my eye. I hated to act like this but I was so mad. he hurt me. he cheated on me. but I still loved him. I don't know why.

he then puts his head in his hands.

"I don't know why I did it Madeline." he said.

" I don't know why either taylor."

" I was just being stupid and it was in the moment"

"I can't trust you anymore"

"I understand."

I wanted to hug him soo badly.

//madelines dads funeral\\

I got ready in a purple dress and my flats. my dad loved purple. we got to the cemetery and got to the little tent where they were going to hold the funeral.

I saw my family. my dads side. I never really saw them because they lived far away. I guess liz's mom contacted them all. that's nice of her. the ceremony then started and people started going up like my grandma and aunt and people like that. then it was my turn,this is what I dreaded most.

" so thanks for everyone that came. I really appreciate it. my dad would have liked it this way. I miss him so much. more than words can explain. he is my world. he was all I had left of my parents. he shouldn't have gone the way he did. it really kills me when I think of how my children will never get to see him. or how he'll never get to walk me down the isle when I get married. but I still have all the memories he gave me. that's all I need. he taught me to be independent. he made me,me. I should've told him how much he meant to me. everyone should take this as a lesson. always tell the people you love,that you love them. tell them how you feel. because you never know when they'll be gone. then you'll never get the chance to do it."

I ended and looked down at my feet. I felt arms wrap around me.

it was taylor. I really needed a hug so I hugged back. I started crying into his shoulder.

"I'm not okay" I said.

"it's okay not to be okay" he said.

I then walked off and sat back into my seat.

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