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so basically I was just chillin out in my room,watching tv when I suddenly got the craving for food. I made my way downstairs skipping down the stairs. I found a bag of chips and made my way back upstairs.

I decided to take a little field trip to Shawn's room and maybe hang out. when I made my way there,I started to hear my sister. my sister was in HIS room. why ?

"listen,I've always had feelings for you. your just so hot." said Liz

hmm wow,I can't believe this.

"oh" is all I heard shawn say

I slightly open the door and I just see Liz forcefully kiss shawn.

i tried to open the door a little bit more but of course being the clumsy person I am,I tripped on my foot and fell. hard. they both look at me.

Liz with a little smirk on her face,kisses him one more time and leaves. she sways her hips trying to look cute,haha no gurl stop. then shawn tries to say something.

"mad-" I cut him off

"it's fine" I simply said and walked out.

he didn't chase after me or anything. I went back to my room and slowly started to cry. I thought he liked me.

I then heard a knock on my door.

"who is it?" I said kind of rudely because of the mood I was in.

"it's tay tay" obviously taylor said and came in.

"you alright girl?" taylor asked sympathetically.

"umm ya know,I just saw Liz kiss shawn so I'm just dandy" I said and shoved my head in my pillow.

"aww I'm sorry" he said while laying down with me.

"I might have thought he liked me back but of course I was wrong because who would like me?" I stated

"any guy would be lucky to have you maddie" taylor said.

"really?" I asked

"of course. your amazing. I know I haven't know you for long but your a great girl" taylor said with his light country accent showing. it was nice.

"thanks" I said with a little smile.

he looked in my eyes and I looked his his. he then leaned in and kissed me. wow. it was great.

"oh my gosh,Jesus Christ sorry. I didn't mean to" taylor said kind of freaking out.

"haha it's fine." I said.

"maybe I should go,I'll talk to you later" Taylor said.

"okay bye tay tay" I said

and he walked out.

It's weird how he can make me feel better. and at that moment,it hit me.

usually forgotten.( a magcon fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now