Eleven's Hope: @HillbillieNolan

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Eleven's Hope: @HillBillieNolan

Title: Eleven's Hope

Author: @HillieBillieNolan

Judge: @OptimisticSuffering

Title/Book Cover: 7/10

Grammar: 7/10

Tone of Voice: 24/30

Characters: 14/20

Overall Content: 20/30

Added Points: 3/10

Total Score: 75/100

Basic Review: Let me start off the I enjoyed the way that you pursued / interpreting Rue's character. I dont really enjoy the way your title look though, it would be fine if it was just elevens hope it looks to full and attractive, almost like you were trying to add every last thing possible to the title (when it was really unnecessary). You also had a really blocky and generic font you used on your actual book cover doesnt draw my attention. For characters, I wish that you added more energy / personality to the other characters that influenced Rue. I feel like sometimes in the book, it just felt like a mediocre run off of Katniss's / the original book of the Hunger Games. For grammar you kept putting commas in great masses where they didn't belong, causing alot of run on sentences that were wordy and unattractive. Over all I feel like you did a good job though! Good luck in the future.

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