Chapter 4

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Bucky shields himself with the mattress against an attack from the window. He blocks the door with a table as cops swing in on cables. I'm standing frozen in the corner unable to move my body as the whole scene plays out in front of me.

Bucky slams a policeman into the wall next to me. "Sarah! Are you with me?" He shakes me out of my trance.

"Buck stop you're gonna kill someone."

Bucky slams Steve down and punches a hole in the floor. "I'm not gonna kill anyone."

He pulls out our emergency backpack from the floorboards and throws it out of the window. He grabs my shoulders. "Take the bag and run."

"No, not without you."

"We'll meet up like we planned." He placed a kiss on my forehead as a tear ran down my cheek. "I love you." He grabs me tighter and throws me out the window.

I roll to my feet on the roof and start running when a strange smell hit me. I stop. It smells like danger. I look back to see Bucky land on the lower roof  of the neighboring building.

He grabs the backpack and runs. I saw a shadow approach him with speed. "Bucky, look out!"

A muscular man dressed in a tight black suit slams into him from behind, knocking him down. He attacks Bucky with sweeping kicks and slashes. Bucky fights back but is kicked into a wall.

He looks up and sees me. "Run Sarah! Run!"

I leaped off the building to land where they were fighting distracting the man. "Go, Buck."

Bucky narrowly avoids being slashed. He grabbed a metal bar to protect himself. "Sarah keep running."


Bucky breaks free from his attacker, grabs my arm and we jump down the building. We land at street level. I look up to see the man in black follow us.

I heard a chopper approaching. "We have to get below level." Gunfire from the chopper tears up the sidewalk.

We jump down through the opening and land in the underpass. Unfortunately, the landing breaks my leg. "Go go. I'll catch up."

"I won't leave you!"

"Go Bucky. I'll catch up. Look it's healing. Go... Go."

He got up and started running through traffic. I move toward the side of the road. The man in black jumps down followed by Steve."


He turns around and sees me. "Are you okay?"

"Leg's busted, but healing." I press down on the leg. "Protect him, Steve."

A special forces vehicle passes us. Steve picks me up and ran towards it. "Do you trust me?"


He throws me up in the air while throwing himself onto the windshield of the 4x4. He tosses the guy out of the vehicle and catches me. "Get in."

He chases after Bucky passing the man in black. He leaps unto the back of the 4x4. "What is this guy's deal?"

Steve swerves from side to side, trying to throw him off. He hits a barrier driving through it. "Sam I can't shake this guy."

Suddenly Bucky approaches us on a bike. "Sorry cap." I jump onto the bonnet and onto the bike behind Bucky as he passes by.

Steve is still heavy on our tail. Suddenly the man in black leaps of the 4x4 and Bucky grabs him with one swift move but he knocks us over.

"Hold on!" Bucky uses his metal arm to get us upright again. He throws one of our insurance policies unto the bridge where an explosion follows. Unfortunately, the man in black punctures our tire sending us flying.

Bucky stopped rolling and just as the man in black stands over him ready to attack Steve knocks him out of the way.

All the police cars surround us. "Bucky please stop." I walk up next to him and grabbed his hand.

Steve also indicated to him to stand down. A guy in a metal suit, the war machine I assume, lands right in front of us. "Stand down now."

Steve places his shield on his back. "Congratulations Cap. You're a criminal."

Police forces Bucky to his knees. The man in the black suit removed his mask. "Your Highness." Bucky's hauled to the ground.

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