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ཻུ۪۪  ECHOES


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DEPENDING ON THE PERSON, IT WASN'T ALWAYS ABOUT THE PEOPLE, NOR PLACES. Rather it was more about the enigmatic journey of rag-tag group of individuals joining together to have a great time. Except, this isn't this type of adventure— it's a much more worse version than that. It all starts with a group of teenagers who decide for semester break vacation to go on a trip to Yerba.

       Cassia already knows that she's going to be alone for semester break. It's a repeating occurrence every time school is out on break. The only time she does spend with her parents during the semester breaks are at appearances to improve their image as both hard working and loving parents. The only person who consistently spends time with her is Beck but things have changed. Lately he's been dividing his time with Jade and she can't fault him for that. She also knows that her bandmates have their own lives that she doesn't want to intrude on. So, when Tori invites her on a vacation to Yerba, she agrees with little hesitation.

        The only thing left to prepare to make sure that the trip is official is to get a chaperon for the trip or the whole thing is cancelled as stated an confirmed by Tori's parents. That little detail is how both Cassia and Tori find themselves standing inside Sikowitz's classroom, both eagerly hoping the man would agree to chaperone them.

         "Yerba?" Sikowitz echoes as he picks up a book from a blue chair, adding it to the pile in his hands.

         "Yeah! It's a small island off the coast of—" Tori begins to explain the island she was visiting as she drops her bag onto a chair nearby but Sikowitz cuts her off, earning him a frown.

"Oh I know where it is. I spent two weeks there when I was twenty-three." Sikowitz informs them.

       Tori and Cassia share a look of surprise. The two now start  becoming interested in learning about their favorite teacher's previous visit to the island.

      "Cool. So how was it?" Tori inquires tilting her head at him in curiosity.

      "I remember nothing of that trip," Sikowitz tells them in all honesty. He moves to get another book.

       Cassia feels like her teacher definitely lived a wild, wild life before he became a teacher. She knows that some kind of drugs had to be involved.

      "Well, than can you chaperone us?" Cassia asks as she follows him to where he climbs on the stage.

      "Chaperone you to what?" Sikowitz questions again, as if Cassia hadn't asked him five seconds ago what they wanted him to do.

𝐄𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐒  ༉ ཻུ۪۪  ଂ  𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒Where stories live. Discover now