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ཻུ۪۪  ECHOES


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CASSIA WOULD RATHER BE ANYWHERE ELSE THAN SCHOOL ON A SATURDAY. Throughout her entire time so far at Hollywood Arts, she had never once gotten detention. She didn't even know where it took place because there had never been a reason for her to. She didn't hang around people who regularly found themselves in detention, the only exception being Amina but that was only because the girl didn't know when to bite her tongue and had a natural talent for mischief. Cassia was known as the picture perfect student. She was never late, had perfect grades, and had a polite attitude to all teachers. The fear of disappointing her parents and having them pull her out of Hollywood Arts instilled the mindset she must be perfect at school. That is until recently, when she is forced to cancel her latest gig with her band because on a Saturday, she is forced to sit in detention because she got roped into helping Robbie Shapiro not choke to death.

Cassia was feeling irritated with the whole ordeal as soon as she stepped inside Hollywood Arts and into the main hallway where her friends were already circled together. She takes a long sip from her first cup of coffee for the day as she stands into a position beside Tori and Andre, her body leaning towards Beck. She wasn't even supposed to be here, she was going to class when Beck insisted she help them keep Robbie from not choking to death on a pretzel. She should've said no, kept walking but Beck had asked her with that look in his eyes and her resolve diminished almost instantly.

"I have never had detention before." Tori admits as she leans back against locker, her head thumping gently against the brightly decorated lockers.

"Neither have I. Until today. So, thanks for that, Shapiro," Cassia snaps in a even tone as she follows her sharp words with a drink of her coffee. Her dark brown eyes are narrowed in annoyance.

"No need to be snappy Peaches. It's alright," Beck murmurs in a placating tone as he turns to look at Cassia with calm eyes, hoping to keep Cassia from snapping at Robbie any more than she already has.

Cassia huffs out an annoyed breath of air and rolls her eyes, closing her mouth into a firm line and effectively keeping herself from saying a smart-ass remark that sat on the tip of her tongue. It was not the time nor was it fair to release her annoyance out on someone who didn't mean for the whole situation to happen.

Robbie looks taken aback at Cassia's words but wisely chooses not reply to them and changes the subject. "I'm actually kind of nervous."

"If you hadn't made us late for class we wouldn't be here," Jade points out with an accusatory glare at the curly haired boy.

"I was choking on a pretzel!" Robbie defends himself, head snapping in Jade's direction.

"Well, why you always gotta be choking on something?" Andre asks in annoyance as he throws his hands up in the air.

𝐄𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐒  ༉ ཻུ۪۪  ଂ  𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒Where stories live. Discover now