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☽༉ ཻུ۪۪  ଂ┊CHAPTER TEN

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CASSIA WANTS TO DISAPPEAR. She knows in theory that she's doing the right thing by helping out Sinjin so his game show doesn't crash and burn like so many other things in life already has, but the moment she squeezes into the uncomfortable leather seats with the giant hearts beside Alex with bright overhead lights making her eyes squint, she's regretting her altruism. It came out of nowhere too, really, so it's not like Cassia could've avoided it. She's just a little nervous, not because of the cameras or the few stragglers in the audience, but because she feels Alex's grazing her hand and lingering too long like he's thinking about holding her hand. She's nervous because something's wrong with Beck and for the first time, she has absolutely no idea what it is or what to do about it. She's self-destructive, not stupid, and she shouldn't have done this.

Her thoughts are interrupted when she hears Alex ask her if she's okay and it takes her by surprise how honest she wants to be with him instead of her usual lies or avoiding the subject all together she tends to do with others. On her next exhale, she opens her eyes. She looks over at Alex to find the curly haired boy already watching her, eyes shining with sincerity.

"Quit thinking, you're so loud I can practically hear your thoughts," Alex jokes in hopes that it would help her talk.

"Quick favor, just tell me we didn't sign up to be a fake couple on Sinjin's sad gameshow?" Cassia pleads as she looks up at the ceiling.

"I could tell you that," Alex says agreeably, "—but I'd be lying. You did in fact sign us up to be a fake couple on this sad, sad gameshow. Didn't even ask me to a dinner and a movie first."

Cassia looks back down, and narrows her eyes playfully at Alex, sticking her tongue out at him. Alex pretends to be hurt by placing a hand over his heart and placing a sad expression on his face. Alex's jokingly expression evolves from one second to the next in front of her humor and softness painting the planes of his face.

Alex looks like he has something he wants to say by the way his mouth parts open but he doesn't get the chance because Sinjin has decided it's the perfect time to start the gameshow. Cassia resigns herself to her fate and puts on her picture perfect smile that she's been taught by her mother to have in front of cameras at all times.

"Live from Northridge, it's Queries For Couples!" Sinjin announces in his best gameshow host voice, into his microphone.

"Now say hello to our Query Girl, Trina Vega," Sinjin introduces the eldest Vega sister.

Cassia tried not to openly roll her eyes at Trina twirling around the stage as she makes her way to stand next to Sinjin, smiling widely. Cassia finds it amazing how she can always find a way to become the center of attention or have her taste of the spotlight with absolutely no talent. It's amazing really.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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𝐄𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐒  ༉ ཻུ۪۪  ଂ  𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒Where stories live. Discover now