Life 5

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I sat staring down at the large accident ruins ahead of us.

"Are you sure this is safe?" My assistant asked as she stayed far behind me.

"Of course it is! We have a job to do after all!" I said cheerfully.

"You say it so happily yet it looks like any wrong step and you die." She mumbled.

"Oh quit complaining. Lets go everyone!" I got up off the grass and dusting myself off I headed down the hill.

The ruins ahead of us seemed to be thousands of years old. They were barely standing and from what I had already observed their use to be vegetation. I bent down in front of a small pot and stared at the spoil inside of it. This area had turned to rocks and dust everything that once stood had fallen.

"Alright everyone listen up!" I shouted turning around.

"We were sent here to find some old and ancient artifacts. Cause I wanna get paid ya know so get to work!" Turning away from everyone I began to skip off further in.

The rocks crumbled beneath my feet as I walked through carefree. The place was huge on our way here I had seen a small opening in a house. The house was the only one that seemed to still have a roof on it. Sure it was probably a terrible idea to be going inside of it but if the roof was standing maybe something else was as well.

As I approached the house it seemed to be in pretty good shape. There were cracks in the walls and it seemed like it may fall but it had a steady base. I walking in through the front door careful not to make too much of a mess. Looking around the room there wasn't too much still left.

An old living room I had found myself in. There was a couch a carpet and a few other things. Moving past the living room I checked around for anything valuable. These ruins seemed to be from around 500 years ago although it didnt seem like a long time a lot had happened since then. I passed the kitchen and decided it best to look in any bedrooms. Making my way down the hall I noticed a small piece of art on the wall. The wall had been drawn on in some sort of ink. It was a beautiful drawing. It had a huge life like forest with two people in the middle of it.

As I began to stare at the art more my head began to intensely pound. Gripping onto my head I held it tight as the pain began to increase. I bit down on my lip as my heart began racing. Dropping down to the ground the pounding began to slowly ease up. I looked back at the art. A boy and a girl had sat in the forest together holding hands. But on each side there seemed to be people hiding in the shadows. Something was wrong with these people though there eyes were glowing red.

A shiver went down my spine as I stared at it and I nodded my head trying to ignore it.

I'd deal with that painting later it was really nice but really strange.

I walked into one of the rooms nearby the painting. This room was a little different it actually had artifacts. There was a spear hanging up on the wall as well as a knife. Both crossed over each other with some sort of writing at the bottom. It was definitely writing from 500 years ago but I couldnt figure out much only a few words.

Together both stood

That was more to it that would probably explain it but I couldn't understand it. Although I had studied so many different languages from the past I had hardly seen this one. It seems like this place was some sort of ancient village.

I looked around the room more and my eyes widened. A journal had be left on the table. I quickly hurried over to it staring at the book in shock. For being there for 500 years it wasn't in awful condition. It seemed like it was pretty recked up but I could read some of it. This was a language I did know of. The accident Falcon Language. Is was one I was able to learn quite quickly as well.

My eyes scanned the page it had been left open to. My heart began pounding in my chest and my head began to hurt. It began to feel more painful then the time I stared at the picture. I slammed my eyes shut not even being able to look at the journal. I backed up a bit stumbling into a few things as I hit the ground. I grabbed onto the side of my head again my nails digging into my skin as the pain intensified.

The book had told a story. A story about a girl. A girl who had fallen for a guy about two villages coming together. I remembered it all.

Opening up my eyes I quickly got up off the ground and began to dart out of the room. Many things fell over as I did I hit the walls trying to run for the front door. In the distance I could see my assistant in the distance her eyes widened as she stared at me.

"JENNY!" I shouted smiling.

She looked at me a little concerned and then hurried over.

"What?!" She yelled out as she began to walk over.

"You won't believe what I-"

Jenny had stopped in her spot her face had turned expressionless and thats when I stopped.

Another mistake.

As I stopped the whole building began to collapse. Rock and different items began to fall as they toppled on top of me. The rock had crushed me as I laid there. Staring outside of the house Jenny just smiled.

My eyes slowly began to close as my consciousness faded.

Jenny watched as the house had fallen down shrugging her shoulders she turned away. As Jenny had walked away she hadn't realized Aphmau wasnt the only one to make a mistake

Under all that ruble there was still hope.

To be Continued...

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