Life 6

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I sat in the back of the library sitting on a comfy chair I huddled up in it with a book. Tilting my glasses up to the bridge of my nose I stared around the library. I had only starting working here a few weeks ago but I'm pretty sure I was going to be fired soon.

"Aphmau! Get back to work!" My employer whisper yelled heading straight towards me.

Quickly getting up off the chair I placed my book down and ran. Sitting back at the front of the library I looked around again. There weren't too many people here and most of the time I just spend my time sitting here. I got paid for sitting and doing nothing seemed like a pretty good job is you asked me. Sure sometimes I had to shelve books or help people but that didn't happen often.

Letting out a small sigh I closed my eyes and relaxed back in my chair.

Whenever it seemed like it would be a slow day I'd always go find a place to read but obviously my boss wasn't having it.

"Excuse me?"

Groaning a bit I opened my eyes. Great another costumer just when I was about to relax.

"What is it?" I asked putting on a friendly smile as I looked up at them.

"Could you tell me which isle the history books are located."

I felt my heart begin to beat in my chest as I stared at them. Jet black hair fell down his face it was messy but super cute. His red eyes were really fascinating to look like. I feel like I could've stared in them all day.


I blinked a few times coming back from my fantasy and nervously laughed.

"Uh I'll show you." I said getting up off my chair.

Walking towards the book shelves I stopped in one isle and pointed towards it.

"This should have most history books there are a few others but they're in the back."

He nodded his head and I watched as he walked over to a book on archeologists. Opening it up I stared at him as he flicked through the pages.

"Can I help you?" He asked still glaring down at the book.

"Uh- nope uh sorry.."

Quickly turning around I ran back to the front of the library and sat back down. My heart began to speed up a bit as my face turned red.

That was embarrassing.

Shaking my head I spun around in the chair a bit. The book he had read I had read a bunch of times myself. It was a history book on great archeologists. Of course It had always been a dream of mine but I knew it wouldn't be happening anytime soon. Sighing I stopped spinning. Bringing my head up I looked up in front of me.

My heart almost jumped out of my chest as I fell back in my chair. In front of me the boy from earlier stood holding the same book in his hands. I landed on the floor and my glasses went tumbling off as well. My vision began to get blurry. Looking around the room I could hardly see a thing.

"Fuck.." I mumbled under my breath.

Getting down on my hands and knees I began to brush my hand along the floor.


Scanning around the room again I felt a hand brush the hair out of my face. Squeaking a bit my vision began to return to me. My glasses were back to being placed over my eyes. Once I was able to see again I noticed him bending down in front of me. One hand held onto the book while the other stayed against my check.

"Uh... uh.. thank y-you..." I mumbled shyly staring at him.

"You're welcome."

He brought his hand down to his side and putting the book on his lap he sat down on the floor. He leaned against the back of the desk as he began to flip through some pages. I stared down at him confused but sat beside him.

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