3-The Difference.....

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      Annika finished her all work and now sitting in her car driving back to her house. Her predictions were true about not able to go to the airport as some emergency case came and she was busy in operation for exact 2 hours. Now she was driving back, she called driver to pick her up as she was too tired to drive. She was just looking outside leaning on the seat. She was continuously trying Mallika's number but Mallika was not picking up her calls. So she was confused. She was about to try once again when her phone rings. She looked at the name and picked it up.

"Hello uncle, how are you?"

      That call was from Dr. Kunal Sehgal.

"I am fine Annika. How are you? All set to start your vacation?"

"Yeah uncle."

"Annika, actually I have one work"

"Yes uncle tell me"

"I talked with the department but still wanted to ask you."

"About what uncle?"

"Actually I want you to handle my one more case with two others. This case is too complicated actually. Initially it was easy but that patient didn't take care of medicines and other things so now needed proper treatment and other than you no one can handle that case. So are you....."

"Of course uncle. I will handle it. Bass send me all the previous reports of the patient. So that I can study them before I come there. And one more thing, I gave you my schedule for next one month na, then you check if this case fits into that or else I can change it."

"I will try to fix in that time Annika, no worries. You are coming here for holidays so you have to spend more time with your....."

"Uncle, my patients always comes first for me. And I can sacrifice my some time for them. I don't have any issue regarding it."

"Annika, my child you are too good"

"Ok uncle now I have reached to home. Please send me her reports."

"I will send you his reports. Byee"

      Dr. Sehgal said and cut the call. She looked at her phone.

      She hits her own forehead chuckling softly and then went inside the house.

      Annika entered into the house.

"Mallika, Mallika...."

      She shouted looking around. Maria came there running.

"Aunty, Mallika came na? Where is she?"

      Annika asked and Maria looked at Annika and then nodded her head looking up. She was looking scared.

"Wha happened to you aunty? N where is Malli....."

      Before she completes the full bucket of water emptied on her. Annika wiped her face coming out of the shock. She looked up and saw her best friend standing at the corridor on first floor with a bucket. Her whole face was red due to anger.

"Mallika you fool"

      Annika said and ran upstairs. Soon both the besties were running behind each other in the whole house. Maria tried to stop them but they didn't listen. Finally they reached on terrace and Mallika was too tired so Annika able to catch her easily.


      Annika said and hugged her best friend tightly. But Mallika pushed her.

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