7- Aashaayein☺☺

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      Annika and Mrs. Bajaj came out of the kitchen.

"Aunty now you go and give these barfis to panditji. I will go and check Mallika."

      Annika said but Mrs. Bajaj refused.

"No no, Megha is making her ready, so she will be fine with her. You come with me and see all arrangements for puja once."

      Mrs. Bajaj requested and Annika agreed. They moved towards the hall. Mrs. Bajaj gave barfi plate to Panditji and Annika checked all items are there or not which are required for the ceremony. When Annika was checking all things one lady came there and asked about something to Mrs. Bajaj. Mrs. Bajaj replied she will come and give what she wants and then left from there not before thanking Annika again. Annika sighed in disbelief.

"She will never change. Aunty is so nice and apposite to her is Mallika. Never says thank you or never say some good words."

      Annika said to herself and chuckled. She then once again asked pandit ji if he needs something and when he said no all items are there now, she decide to leave.

      Annika looked around to see Sahil.

"Don't know where is he?"

      She said coming down from the stage. As she was looking around she didn't notice something rather someone was there near the stage and her leg hits something.


      She said holding her leg by her hand and then looked up massaging her feet. She then noticed one wheelchair there. She immediately stood up on her feet cursing herself for not seeing it before. She looked at the wheelchair with a smile considering some elder man or lady will be there but she was little bit shocked as she saw one young boy, may be a teenager boy there sitting in a wheelchair. She looked at him and after a second came back from her shocked state and smiled looking at him. He was just looking at her.

"I am so sorry I was looking around so didn't see you and....."

      She tried to apologise but that boy coldly said,

"It's ok"

      Annika looked at his face. His whole face was dull and there were no any expressions on his face. After looking at him for a moment Annika realized he was in so much pain but was not voicing it out. She smiled at him.

"What's your name?"

      She asked lovingly but before he answers one lady came there running.

"Vishal, are you ok? What happened?"

      That lady said checking his hands and legs.

"He is alright aunty. Don't worry."

      Annika said and that lady turned her gaze to Annika. Before she says something that boy, Vishal said,

"No I am not alright."

      He said and Annika worriedly looked at him.

"Really? I am so sorry Vishal. Show me where it hurts. I will go and come with ointment."

      Annika said looking for any scratch on his hands. Vishal gazed at her for a moment before pointing to his legs.

"It's hurting here. From last 10 years. Can you make it fine? Go bring ointment and make my legs fine go."

      Vishal spoke and Annika don't know what to say. Vishal's mother said,

"Vishal, is this the way to talk with elders? She was just asking about today. Did you hurt because of her or not? Don't try to connect each n everything to your health."

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