Chapter Five - Lea

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-Bam POV-

We passed easily.

Our next test is scheduled to be in a month from now. A lot can happen in a month.

I can hear a commotion going on outside my room. What was going on? I poked my head out the door. I can hear Endorsi, Khun, and Shibisu talking, and some voice I can't identify. Who was that? I went to go see what was going on.

"Hey. What's happening?" I said, walking into the room. "Hey Bam." Isu greeted me warmly. "This is Ari Lea. She's a talented fisherman I met in the marketplace. Her team scattered and she doesn't want to go up alone. I offered to let her join our team." Isu said. "What do you think?" "I think you're too trusting, Shibisu," Endorsi said. "And I think that's at least the fourth time you've said that," Khun said dryly. "I don't see why she can't join." "I think she can join," I said. "What's the harm?" "I guess it's settled then!" Shibisu said grandly. "She can share a room with Endorsi so they can get to know another now," Khun suggested, a slightly devilish smirk on his face. Endorsi sighed. "Shut up, A. A."

Lea met my eyes. Her eyes were a crisp and bright blue, not cobalt like Khun's. Her hair was the color of honey and plaited down her back in one long braid. I suppose she was good-looking, but I'm not a great judge of that. Her gaze was cold and calculating. It almost felt like she was scanning me. It was impossible to tell what she was thinking. She seemed emotionless and blank, and that's probably what I would have thought if I hadn't seen her face before she broke eye contact. She looked almost afraid.

I wonder why.


Any of you have exams this week? I do. To anyone out there who has exams, I wish you luck and I hope you pass. If not...have a nice summer and count yourself lucky because exams are hell.

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