Chapter Ten - Secret

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-Khun POV-

We told our teammates about what happened with Lea.

"I knew that girl was a traitor! None of you believed me, but I knew she was a slimy, backstabbing little b-" "Endorsi, shut up," I groaned. "No one needs to hear that right now. "Fine," Endorsi said. I sighed. She's not going to let me forget this anytime soon.

It was getting late, and we all decided it would be best to sleep. Before heading to bed, I made up my mind.

"Hey Bam?" "Yes, Khun?" "Can I tell you something?"

"You can tell me anything, Khun." Bam said. He stood there, his golden eyes looking at me curiously. "What is it?"

No going back now.

I took a deep breath. "I like guys."

"Okay," Bam said. "You know, I was expecting a bit of a reaction there," I muttered. Bam laughed sheepishly. "I lived under a rock for a long time. I don't really know how to react to things. Why is this such a big secret?"

I looked at my hands. "Well...the ten families...aren't exactly big fans of homosexuality. They're super traditional. It was hard growing up with the expectations of being someone I'm not. I never told a single person that I liked guys and not girls, because I knew they wouldn't understand." I looked up. "Not until now, that is."


Hello everyone! I'm back, and on my birthday no less. Huh.

I feel like this chapter is a bit shorter than usual, but we're in for a wild ride in the next few, so bear with me. 

I hope you enjoy 😉

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