9 ~ Ribbons

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"I can fly there" you were still being carried by jaehyun to some unknown destination. 

"it's fine we are almost there" jaehyun laughed. Then he smiled brightly when he saw a large building. He let go of you and you landed on your feet at the top of the building. You looked around while you noticed that jaehyun sat down. 

"come on" he said and you slowly sat beside him. "I want to show you something amazing" he was clearly excited and you simply nodded your head. You wondered if he would show you the beautiful pink colored eyes you saw before. 

You realized the sun was setting as a beautiful color of orange and red mixed in the sky. You always liked to watch the sun set, it was calming. That's why you always watched by yourself or even with ten. You wondered if this was what jaehyun wanted to show you. So you watched the sun slowly set, this was one of the things you understood about humans. 

On your very first human assignment you had got an elderly lady. She would always watch the sunset everyday. The first time you sat down beside her on the bench when she was looking at the sky was when you saw your first sunset. 

It was the first thing she did that wasn't confusing to you. You understood why she watched it everyday when you saw the sunset, it was beautiful, it was peaceful. Remembering her brought you pain as well though because you were the one to take her soul. 

Your heart ached but you soon realized it was dark, however, the city lights were still bright. Jaehyun stood up and held out his hand to you "come on" you slowly moved your hand and held his while he pulled you up from your sitting position. 

"alright ready" he asked and you were surprised by his question, you thought the sunset was the thing he wanted to show you. However, you felt an excitement build while thinking of something else more beautiful than the sunsets you've seen. 

You felt a strange feeling from jaehyuns hand and your eyes widened while you looked down. Beautiful bright multicolored ribbons were sprawled everywhere, they were amazing. You felt your heart stop and you looked over at jaehyun. His eyes were a light orange and you realized this must be one of his powers.

He tugged your hand "come on" then your two flew down and you noticed where the beautiful ribbons were coming from, they were coming from the humans.

 Your heart was racing, you could only see the souls of people who were near their death. They were always dull and grey before they turned completely black when they died. Those were the only ribbons you saw but this....

This was breathtaking

"this is the best part of being a cupid, look over there" he pointed at someone, a girl who sat on a bench beside a male. The pink ribbon from her and the green ribbon from the male was attached. They were intertwined so beautifully.

"it's beautiful" you whispered and jaehyun was smiling at you. For once you clenched his hand back never wanting to let go. You felt so warm around jaehyun and right now that feeling was overwhelming. You stared at the couple and for the first time you smiled without even knowing it. 


Jaehyun froze when he saw the smile on y/n's face. She was even more beautiful.

Jaehyun was freaking out as he looked at her because his heart was beating so fast. Jaehyun had been doing his job for almost eighty years but he has never felt this way before. 

He wondered what this angel of death was doing to him.

He was enjoying it though, he felt noting but warmth when he was with her. She was clearly very detached from humans and emotions but she was still kind. 

He was happy to show her something she could smile about, he wanted to make sure the smile never faded. 


You asked jaehyun to take you around the small park you landed in, you wanted to see more through his eyes.

You walked around and you squeezed his hand tighter, you were grateful he had showed you this. 

Then you saw it, among the beautiful ribbons you could see there was a dull grey one. Jaehyun froze from beside you "woah, I've never seen a grey one before" you quickly yanked your hand away knowing you must have accidental activated your powers and shown him the souls you always saw. Dull grey ribbons.

You felt disgusted with yourself, you didn't want jaehyuns beautiful sight to be tainted by your horrid grey ribbons.

Jaehyun looked at you questionably but you spoke "I have to go" then your large wings spread before you flew away. 


"y/n" lucas greeted you while you entered the large room. 

"we have a problem, jaehyun told me that mark and haechan would just drift together so how am I supposed to stop them. I've seen it to lucas, they just keep finding each other" you said and lucas frowned. 

"just keep mark away from haechan. You just need to make sure that cupid doesn't succeed" you paused not answering lucas and he yelled. 

"y/n he is going to die and you are there to collect his soul, you aren't attached to the human are you"

"no, of course not" you felt your heart ache as lucas spoke the next words. 

"good, your purpose is to collect his soul"

"yes I know" you answered while you turned and left the large building. 

You clenched your fist while you thought about the ribbons jaehyun had shown you, they were beautiful but they were not something you could see, not something you were meant to see. You were meant to see grey. You needed to keep mark away from haechan and you needed to collect his soul, so that's what you were going to do.

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