16 ~ Together

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You sat in your room while looking at the wall blankly. You were beyond confused, but of course following the rules you never showed your confusion. Your wings simply flapped behind you instead.

You had just traveled back to your room after lucas told you that you didn't have anymore human assignments. Lucas would assign you human after human usually and this sudden break was weird. Also, lucas was usually overly worried about you, he was worried you would break the rules. 

However, this time it was different. He seemed different for some reason, like he was hiding something from you. Thinking about this only made your confusion grow. 

You sighed and got up from your bed and traveled over to the large window in your room. The night sky caused just enough of a reflection so you could see your purple colored eyes staring right back at you. Your emotions were clearly too strong right now considering your eyes had changed color. 

You sighed again and tried to calm yourself, but nothing was working. Your eyes still remained purple, you then had a weird urge. You wanted to go to the rooftop. Without really thinking you slowly made your way to the rooftop of the small house and you were met with an empty area. 

For some reason that didn't feel right....it was almost like you were expecting someone to be there. 

You were confused by your own thoughts again while you looked around the rooftop. You gave up and simply sat down on the rooftop looking up at the bright stars, suddenly you remembered the star markers from earlier. You had never seen them in your lifetime but they looked at you with such heartbreak.

You looked at the stars once more while you slowly looked beside you, it really felt like someone was meant to be there beside you on the rooftop. You tried to push your confusing thoughts away, even today's events, especially the cupid who made your heart feel weird. 


Jaehyuns heart was racing when he saw lucas take you away. When you didn't recognize anyone his heart broke....you didn't recognize him. He felt like his world was crashing down, the angel of death he fell in love with, his soulmate, had forgotten him.

"what are we going to do" johnny said panicked but ten punched him in the face and everyone froze. Johnny stumbled back while ten was huffing in anger. Ten was crying but he was clearly still angry as he glared at johnny with hatred in his eyes. He clenched his fists while he stared at him and yelled. 

"this is your fault, I just lost my best friend and she doesn't even remember me. She was clearly hurting, she clearly didn't meant to hurt taeyong but you said those awful words to her" ten was now sobbing loudly while johnny looked at the ground in guilt. 

Jaehyun was also angry at johnny but he just kept thinking about y/n, he need her.

"she didn't chose to be an angel of death, so what if she collects souls. She stills cares and has feelings. She helped jisungs sister say one last goodbye when she didn't even need to acknowledge her existence because she is a good person. You are the monster here johnny" ten eyes were still teary but he managed to stop the flow of tears as he finished yelling at the taller guardian angel. He then gently reached his hand up while waving it over his locket, the chains remained but slowly a small string came from the locket. 

"wishes are not only for humans, they are for everyone" ten said softly. Slowly the string attached to everyone's  pinky and jaehyun heard the familiar voice that he already missed hearing. 

"I wish I didn't have to be a monster" jaehyuns heart shattered. She was far from a monster in jaehyuns eyes. She was his everything. He felt tears run down his face and he knew, this was y/n's wish, this was what she thought of herself. 

"I heard her wish and I befriended her knowing she wasn't a bad person. Then when she was finally smiling, laughing, and she was happy you had the nerve to say she didn't have a heart" ten screamed.

"and now she doesn't remember us" jisung spoke sadly. 

"I didn't care if she was an angel of death she helped my sister and I have one last goodbye" jaehyun knew jisung was reasonable. He knew that jisung was aware that y/n could not save his sister. Only guardian angels could attempt to heal a grey soul. It was a fate that y/n could not change, death. 

Jaehyuns tears began to dry as everyone stood in silence. Everyone was taking in what had happened. Well until a voice spoke. 

"I-I wan't thinking, it's just that taeyong is the human I'm assigned to and when I saw him get hurt I lost it" johnny stuttered out, he clearly looked upset by his own hurtful words he said to y/n.

Jaehyun understood johnnys outburst, guardian angels were over protective of their humans and tended to be over emotional. This explains johnnys explosion but that didn't mean jaehyun was not angry at the tall male. 

"s-she was sent here for me" mark whispered as haechan held his hand tightly. Jaehyun felt bad for the two humans but he also couldn't stop worrying about y/n.

Then jaehyun spread his large pink wings as he made a plan. 

He only had one thing he had to do, get y/n's memory back, and he knew one person might be able to help... his boss. So jaehyun quickly flew to the cupid territory in the clouds. 


Jaehyun slammed open the large doors and jungwoo smiled "I see you got the two to fall in love, good job jaehyun" 

"I need you to help someone" he said completely ignoring jungwoos happy expression. Jungwoo looked at him confused.

"well, who is it"

"an angel of death, y/n. Lucas sealed her memories and I need you to get them back"

Jungwoo stood up from his desk and approached him, he looked into jaehyuns eyes and he froze.

"you.....you fell in love with an angel of death" jungwoo said in disbelief and he looked angry, jaehyun knew his eyes were probably a light pink color showing that his soulmate was in fact y/n. 

"I forbid you from seeing her. I will not help her in any way" Jungwoos angry expression never left his face as he yelled at jaehyun. 

jaehyuns eyes widened. In all his time working as a cupid he had never seen jungwoo so angry. However, jaehyun didn't think about that for too long, all he could think about was the pain in his heart. 

"why not, why do you hate the angels of death so much" jaehyun yelled out in frustration. Jaehyun had never understood his bosses hatred for angels of death.

"it's forbidden.... I was once soulmates with an angel of death jaehyun. It was a thousand years ago, his name was lucas. Yes, I'm soulmates with the boss of the angels of death" jungwoo sighed heavily while jaehyun stood there shocked. 

"We had fallen in love when I met him on earth following a human. He was my everything but the cupid leader at the time forbid it, so I could never see lucas again. I don't hate them I simply don't want any cupid to go through the same heart break I had to go through"

Jaehyun was processing jungwoos words but then blurted out "who says that rule still applies, you are the boss now".

Jaehyuns watched as jungwoos face contorted from anger into something different, he seemed to be thinking.

"jaehyun return to your house" he said quickly and jaehyun clenched his fists angrily but reluctantly walked out of the large building. Jaehyun was furious and all he wanted to do was see y/n, but he knew he could not go to her. The angels of death would not allow cupids in their territory. 

He simply wanted to be together with y/n again. 

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