3 ~ Problem

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Your eyes widened as you saw it, sat on the tree branch not too far away from you was a very clear figure dressed in all pink with pink hair to match. 

What was a cupid doing watching mark, this was a huge problem. Your boss lucas hated cupids, he had always talked about how they were unprofessional and just ran around doing whatever they wanted. All cupids had distinct pink clothing, pink hair, and wings just like yours but of course they were pink. You unfortunately didn't know a lot about the abilities of cupids since lucas hated talking about them and refused to let anyone interact with them. 

 You wondered if maybe he was here for one of his friends. Then you watched as someone else approached mark. 

"hey mark" You knew who yuta was since you knew every about your new human assignment, he was someone mark met a week ago. You looked at yuta and froze when you saw a familiar locket, you definitely did not know this about yuta though. Yuta was a star maker... acting as a human. Your head was swirling with confusion until the star makers eyes met yours and they widened.

"what are you looking at yuta" 


The star maker, or yuta kept looking at you in surprise until you felt a grip on your shoulder. You looked behind you and saw the very same wings as yours except white.

A guardian angel.

"what are you doing here, lee taeyong is my human" you looked up at the male and your wings flapped aggressively behind you. You were so confused right now. 

"I was assigned to mark lee" you stated and the guy scuffed.

You got up from your sitting position and you made eye contact with the cupid. You noticed a huge smile appear on his face and he spread his pink wings while quickly flying over.

"my name is jaehyun and your name is" he was looking at you directly

"y/n" you said but you got more nervous as you interacted with the cupid. Lucas was not going to be happy at all.

"well what brings you here y/n" jaehyun questioned while still smiling brightly and he was standing very close to you. 

"I am here to collect mark lee's soul" jaehyun eyes widened as he screamed.

"w-what, no I need him for my assignment haechan" you watched and your face remained calm but your heart was racing. You officially had a headache. You had to report to lucas but you really didn't want to, he was going to be furious. 

"I have to go" you said and quickly spread your wings and flew away but you heard a voice yell "I hope to see you next time y/n". You really hoped you wouldn't have to see the cupid again. 


You arrived at the familiar large building and you opened the door.

"y/n what brings you here I assigned you a human, his soul is not due until three months from now"

You felt your wings ruffle behind you as you tried to gather your courage to tell lucas about the situation "there is a cupid who claims he needs mark for his assignment, then there is a  guardian angel who is around mark lee since he is assigned to his best friend, and lastly there is a star maker down there who is close to mark as well... his name is yuta"

Lucas slammed his hand on the large table as he sat up " A CUPID" he roared and you sighed knowing he would be this angry. Then his eyes glowed a deep red, one that was different than your own color. You questioned why your eyes were different from every other angel of death but lucas simply avoided the question whenever you brought it up. 


Then you watched as ten entered the room "what do you want" he glared at lucas, he was never fond of him since he always yelled at you. 

"do you know a star maker named yuta" lucas questioned and ten sighed while he continued to float in the air, star makers didn't have wings they simply flew without them, it always fascinated you.

"yeah so what" ten said and lucas growled. 

"y/n you will make sure this cupids assignment does not get close to mark, you will travel to earth and act as a human" 

"WHAT" ten screamed at what lucas instructed you to do.

"ten you will also travel down" ten glared at lucas "you're not my boss"

It was true, lucas was obviously not tens boss. All star makers actually didn't have a boss they lived very freely. They only had one goal in mind, collecting wishes.

Lucas sighed and he flicked his hand and a gem appeared, a star maker gem "my friend gave me this a long time ago, almost five millions wishes, you can have it if you help y/n down at earth"

Tens eyes sparkled and he nodded his head but you quickly spoke

"why does it matter if the cupid is trying to get mark close to his assignment. His souls is set to die three months from now" you said simply but lucas spoke.

"I just hate when cupids think they can step all over us. Also making someone fall in love right before their death is cruel, even I know that. It is cruel but the cupids don't think of that, they are so blind and just want to match humans. They don't think about what happens after when someone is left alone... when they can't be with the one they love" His eyes glowed a darker red and you could tell he was angry.

You had to agree with lucas, making someone fall in love right before their death was cruel to them and the other person who has to live without them. It was like showing someone love and immediately ripping it away from them.

So you simply nodded your head.


"jungwoo we have a problem" jaehyun yelled and jungwoo looked at jaehyun curiously.

"what is the problem"

"an angel of death is assigned to my human's match" jungwoos eyes widened. He knew that lucas would do anything to make sure jaehyun did not succeed, he knew he would send the angel to interfere. 

"jaehyun you will act as a human and make sure the match happens. I normally don't assign cupids to match humans like this but you have to make sure it happens before that angel of death takes his soul"

Jaehyuns eyes widened as his pink wings ruffled in surprise.

"w-what a human"

"those angels of death show no emotion, they don't care about love. It's cruel, they don't want people to be able to find love before they have to leave earth....They just want to collect souls and move on" jungwoos eyes were glowing a bright silver, he was angry.

Jaehyun had to admit he agreed with jungwoo, every human should be able to fall in love. It was a beautiful thing, so jaehyun smiled "alright". 

However, jaehyun was still thinking about the beautiful angel of death he saw as well, jaehyuns heart was beating and he smiled. He had never felt this way before. 

Cupid and His Angel of Death | nct jaehyun x reader|Where stories live. Discover now