18 ~ Time

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You quickly landed on the street right across from the cafe. Your heart raced while your eyes frantically searched around until you finally noticed him. It was exactly 11:01 pm. You had twenty minuets until mark would pass away. 

Mark was at the late night cafe sitting at one of the outside tables and right next to him was haechan. Your sighed in relief after you spotted the two but then your relief was replaced with surprise when you saw everyone else was with them as well. 

Ten's eyes widened when he saw you, he looked at you with a heartbroken expression. He probably thought you didn't know who he was but when a large smile found it's way to your face his heartbroken expression soon changed. 

Ten had tears in his eyes but was surprised to see you smiling at him and so was everyone else. 

You couldn't contain your happiness finally seeing the people you had grown to care about. Your feet began moving on their own and you happily smiled with watery eyes. You felt your heart constricted when you noticed jaehyun wasn't with them but quickly pushed the thought away to focus on helping mark. So you began running over to your friends until you were suddenly tackled to the ground. 

You noticed jisung shiver from the large movements you made as you fell to the ground. 

"y/n, y/n is here" he yelled sitting up from his seat, you expected mark to be scared but instead he looked worried. 

"does she remember us" mark spoke panicked as he looked around frantically and you knew what you were about to do was the right thing. He truly was someone you wanted to help, no matter what.

friendship is when you care for each other, when you protect each other

So you looked at the person who tackled you, lucas. His eyes were red and you tried to push him off. 

"johnny, make it so they can see me and hear me" you yelled while you continued to desperately try to push lucas off of you so you could get up. Johnny paused for a second trying to process what was happening but then he quickly snapped out of it and went into action. You watched as he waved his hands in front of each humans eyes. 

Finally, you could finish what you came here to do now that mark could hear you. 

Once you told a human their time of death they could avoid it. It would be set to another time, sometimes if humans were lucky it could be in years.

This was the most you could do since you were only an angel of death.

"Mark listen to me, yo-" Lucas quickly covered your mouth, he probably knew what you were going to do. You tired to kick him off but someone grabbed him and threw him off of you instead.

"get off of my princess" you felt the familiar warm feeling while your heart started racing hearing the voice. There stood jaehyun and jungwoo, the two cupids seemed to have just arrived. 

Seeing jaehyun again made you want to cry in pure joy, you watched as lucas struggled in jaehyuns grip while jungwoo looked at lucas in confusion. 

"lucas what are you doing, let the girl tell the human" 

Jungwoo was probably wondering why lucas was trying to stop you from helping mark. However, while lucas was distracted by jaehyun and jungwoo you decided to take your chance "mark your time of-" you froze and suddenly you couldn't remember. You glared at lucas.

"What did you do" you screamed as lucas's eyes glowed a bright red. He was the leader, he could easily erase information about human assignments if he wanted to. He had ruined your chance, you couldn't do anything anymore.

A wave of sadness hit you.  You looked over at mark and saw the ribbon on his wrist. It was a dull grey which meant his time was up soon. You desperately tried to remember as tears fell down your face while you only felt hopeless. 

"johnny please, can't you fix his soul" you pleaded and johnny looked down at the ground. A guardian angel could heal a human soul but their rules were strict, they were forbidden to interfere with other humans that weren't their assigned human. 

It was useless, you couldn't do anything anymore. 

But then you remembered something...

Your were filled with a new determination, there was one other method to help heal a human soul that was near death. You could remove the tied soul ribbon before the human dies.  So you looked at marks ribbon with hope and lucas screamed "YOU WILL NOT", clearly he knew what you were thinking. 

"jaehyun hold him" you said and  jaehyun nodded his head and held lucas to the ground. He probably thought you were still trying to help mark, which you were, but he would never hold lucas down if he knew what was going to happen to you. Jungwoo also tired to help keep lucas down. 

You remembered lucas had told you from the beginning that emotions were dangerous but you never knew why, after all it seems like angels of death used to express strong emotions, even love, you knew that from the past memory lucas had shown you. 

You wanted to finally show lucas, you wanted him to know that emotions weren't bad. 

You approached the humans standing in front of you, you looked at sicheng and you smiled. You decided to give him one piece of advice before you continued with your plan, a gift to both him and yuta. You leaned in and whispered in his ear, he looked at you surprised but then he smiled "thank you".

You then turned to jisung and finally had the courage to say the words you wanted to a"I am no guardian angel" 

He smiled while he looked at you with teary eyes "you are to me" you felt a rush of happiness while you looked into his eyes and suddenly the memory of jsung crying over his sisters death was replaced with a happy smiling jisung and you were grateful, you were grateful that you could remember him by his smiling expression. 

You then looked at taeyong and he was glaring at johnny with a hatred in his eyes "do not hate johnny for not helping taeyong, when you are given rules you follow those rules until someone teaches you otherwise. It's why I took so long to smile, to show emotions. You helped teach me that it was okay to show emotions and I'm forever grateful for that. " taeyongs face softened and johnny looked at your with a grateful expression. 

Finally, you moved to mark and haechan. 

"Stop, you're making a mistake" lucas yelled trying to get jungwoo and jaehyun off of him.

You looked at mark and your eyes glowed purple and he sucked in a breath "woah" you chuckled while looking at him with a soft expression. You could finally apologize. 

"I'm sorry I lied to you but I would like you both to know that you were my true friends. I was happy to meet you. Even thought I gave you such terrible dreams I want you to know I owe you two a lot. So mark lee, the human assignment, no sorry, I mean friend. You helped me make so many happy memories and I am so grateful, for that I will make sure that you don't have to die" you smiled while haechan and mark looked at you surprised by your words.

You looked down at the ribbon that was now turning black. You turned and gave jaehyun a bright smile, you watched him returned the smile and your felt your eyes get teary. You then turned back while taking in a deep breath and you slowly reached your hand out.

"SHE WILL DIE" lucas screamed out. "an angel of death is forbidden from removing a soul ribbon to heal a human, we are not like guardian angels we can't just heal them with no consequences" 

But you weren't afraid of death, and time was running out. 

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