♛ | thirty nine

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preference thirty nine: what he likes most about you physically 


♛ your hands. he loves holding your delicate hands and kissing your knuckles.

♛ your eyes. the first thing sodapop noticed about you was your stunning eyes. he falls into them and doesn't stop falling. 

♛ your body. he loves the way you're built. he could gaze at your body all the time if you let him 

♛ i didn't want to say this but... your butt. 

♛ your hair. he loves to intertwine his fingers with your hair. he loves the color, the thickness, everything. he thinks your hair is perfect 

♛ your neck. steve loves to kiss and mark your neck. 

♛ there's nothing two-bit loves more than you're beautiful smile. he would do and say anything just to get you to laugh. it lights up your entire face. 


SAVVY ♛ the outsider preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now