♛ | forty

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preference forty: he proposes 


♛ it had been a very long work day for you. you were exhausted and just wanted to spend some time with darry. you entered the curtis house, relieved to finally be home. you placed your car keys on the table near the door, however you were surprised to see the house was all dark. not a single light was on. "darry?" you called. you slowly walked into the kitchen, seeing your man dressed nicely, standing around a bunch of lit candles. "what is this?" you asked confused. darry only responded with a small smile. he got down on knee and reaching from his pocket pulled out a black box. he opened it, revealing a gorgeous ring. "Y/N, will you make the happiest man in the world and be my wife?" you couldn't believe this was happening. you nodded eagerly and fell into his arms. 

♛ "Y/N, let's go on an adventure." sodapop said randomly to you one evening. you smiled at his suggestion, wondering what he had planned. "okay..." he grabbed you by the hand and eagerly lead you outside. that night, you guys went downtown to go skating in the large skating rink, sodapop then took you to your favorite diner and shared strawberry milkshakes. after dinner, you raced in darry's truck to the nightly double and chilled while watching the movie. it was an amazing night and you thought it couldn't possibly get any better. as you were walking back to the parked truck, where it was alone, sodapop got down on knee and proposed. of course you said yes! 

♛ you spent the weekend at the beach, just you and ponyboy. it was your last night there and you and pony sat out in the sand, watching as the bright sun set below the rising waves. "Y/N, i have to ask you something." ponyboy then shifted onto one knee. you frowned, completely confused. pony pulled out a navy blue box from the pocket in his swimshorts and opened it. inside, was the most beautiful ring you had ever seen. you gasped. "will you marry me?" he asked, his big brown eyes reflecting into yours. you bounced your head vigorously and shared a big kiss with him. 

♛ dallas had been acting strange for days. he was sneaking out at night and during the day he didn't hang out with you like he usually did. when you questioned what he was doing, he always blew it off. you were sure he was cheating on you. tonight, you were ready to catch him on the action. when he left the room you shared at bucks, you lightly tip-toed after him. you followed him down the hall and into your best friend's room. you were shocked, praying he wasn't cheating on you with your best friend. full of rage, you barged into the room, scowling at both of them. "dallas winston! i can't believe you're cheating on me!" you shouted at him. "and with my best friend too, classy winston." you spat. dallas shook his head, trying to get you to quiet down. "no, Y/N, i'm not cheating on you." he glanced at your friend nervously. "well, here goes nothing." he got down on one knee, revealing a ring. he then explained everything. "i don't know much about proposals and wedding stuff so your friend was helping me. she helped me pick out the perfect ring for you. i'm sorry for acting so strangely." he chuckled. "yes dallas." was all you said back. you pulled him into a passionate kiss. 

♛ a few hours ago, johnny had asked you to meet him at the lot by midnight. you were strolling down, the cold wind whipping at your hair. you finally made it to the lot, seeing johnny there with candles spread all around. he was dressed nicely and looked incredibly handsome. "johnny?" you exclaimed. he smiled brightly while bowing onto one new. he pulled out the ring. "Y/N, i have loved you from the moment i first met you." he said, getting a little emotional. you held your hands over your mouth, stunned this was actually happening. "you mean the world and more to me. so i want to make you mine forever. will you Y/N?" of course you said yes. you put the ring on your finger and kissed you sweetly. 

♛ it was a lovely day. steve decided to take you for a spin in his new mustang. you drove through the open fields of oklahoma with the windows down. the nice summer breeze caught in your hair. steve then pulled the car into a small gathering with wild flowers and large oak trees. you both got out of the car and chatted under the oak trees for a while. you then questioned steve, "why did you bring me here?" steve cleared his throat while standing up. "because," he began while positioning himself on one knee. "i wanted to ask you to be my wife." he pulled out the ring box, smiling at your surprised reaction. obviously, you agreed to be his wife. you guys spend the rest of the sweet, summer afternoon in the fields. 

♛ you and two-bit were having a regular hang-out day when you decided to bake a cake together. it was a lot of fun, two-bit helped you make the mixture and stirred it horribly. he cracked jokes around you, easily getting you to smile. while he went off to watch the television, you placed the cake in the oven to bake. after an hour or so, you washed up in the bathroom and went out to go and get the cake. but you saw it already sitting on the table, decked out in icing. you neared the cake, confused. in pink frosting, the cake read, will you marry me? "two-bit?" you then turned around, seeing your greaser boyfriend on one knee. you put two and two together, and before two-bit could even say anything, you spat out an enthusiastic 'yes!'


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