Chapter 21- Lucky Bow Tie

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 I woke to warmth and someone standing over me. Well, two people standing over me.

"Hmmm, so I guess you two slept well?" Pearl had a smirk on her face as she said it while Amethyst had a mighty grin and was giggling while slightly bouncing from foot to foot.

"Yeah, I did, she's still asleep," I looked down at Peridot her head slightly on my upper arm with a little drool. If she wasn't so dang cute I might have minded. I tried to pull my arm out from under her head, but searing pain rolled up my arm and tears immediately pooled at my eyes. "Ow fuck, I guess I am staying here till she wakes up."

"Well, a good thing for you we need to wake her we got work to do," Garnet startled me from by the doorway I hadn't noticed her with Pearl and Amethyst in my face. "Pearl why don't you go and get a nurse to give the poor thing some meds and Amethyst go hit up the vending machine they need food," She threw a small red coin purse at Amethyst and they both went out of the room as Garnet walked over to the bed.

"Now, before I wake her I gotta know you promise to take care of her?" Garnet whispered and lowered her glasses down her nose to look me in my eye. "She's been through so much and she is a good kid I wanna make sure she won't get hurt again."

"I want nothing more to protect her. If I didn't Garnet I probably wouldn't be in this hospital bed. She's special and I just want to keep anyone from hurting her as they did ever again." I was determined to keep this promise to Garnet and Peridot.

She smiled "good cause I like you, you got spunk I would like to see you around our group more." with that she put a hand on Peridots shoulder and started shaking her awake gently. "Hey, Peridot, we have to get the files and the rest of us can't do it without you." Peridot's eyes slowly fluttered awake until she jumped up startled at Garnets presence.

"Garnet, what, when did you get here?" She looked at me and back to Garnet.

"Nevermind that, here we brought you some fresh clothes when we realized you never came home last night. We have to get to the school and we figured you should look professional for taking down Agate and company," Garnet handed over a jet black button down, dark grey slacks, with a red bow tie on top. "I figured you needed a spy, but businessman look to get the job done."

"My lucky bow tie, you're the best Garnet. Okay, let me go change so we can go and get this done." She jumped out of bed and hurried to the small on-suite bathroom that was sat in the corner of the room.

"I didn't forget about you Lazuli, you and Pearl are about the same size so I think this should work?" She held out a dark royal blue knee-length dress that had black flower patterns sewn into the soft linen.

"It's lovely, but the doctor said I get out tomorrow and that's if I'm doing well?" I wish I could go with them I want to see Agates face when we expose her for what she did.

Garnet reached out her hand to me "Well, we explained to your doctor and she says you have had no problems she's going to check your stitches and bruising and then give you a prescription and release you early if it looks good, you good with that plan Lapis."

I already was smiling I wanted to get out of here and be part of this. I took the dress and sat up the rest of the way as I waited for Peridot to finish changing. Pearl and Amethyst came back with small powdered donuts, two gatorades, and with a Dr. Maheswaran.

"I thought I'd do one better than a nurse." Pearl was happy with her work of bringing back the doctor to help get a move on and get me out of here.

"Okay, how do you feel today Ms. Lazuli?" Dr. Maheswaran pulled up a small rolling stool and sat at the edge of the bed and took my arm where a small I.V. needle was still attached even though they took me off the I.V. bag and attached a small syringe with a clear liquid.

"Just fine I am sore today still, but don't feel as bad now." I was glad I was and didn't have to lie about it.

"Well, these meds should help get you feeling pretty good today and I am gonna give you a script for some oral medication after this just for the next few days if you need them if the pains not to bad you can take a common pain reliever instead of those," She emptied the syringe and took out the needle throwing it in the biohazard container. "Now let's see those stitches," I rolled up my sleeve revealing the bandage over them which she carefully pulled off. "These look good let me just clean them up and rebandage them and I will give you a stitches care guide when we check you out in a bit."

"So, I get to leave today?" I was so excited to be able to go I thought she may say no and ruin seeing the victory over Agate.

"Yes," she stopped rebandaging my stitches to sit back and look at me "I have a daughter and I just... you are strong like she's growing up to be and as a mother I want you to be able to help bring justice to these scoundrels," She hurried finishing the bandage "Okay, let me just check the road rash and bruising and rebandage it for you then I'll get a nurse to get your discharge paperwork so you can leave. No, infections on Maheswaran's watch." She redressed my wounds efficiently and was out of the room in a flash I was already starting to feel the meds kick in.

Peridot came out of the bathroom with a large bit of hair still sticking up. "Sorry, it was taking me so long I can't get this to go down. It's driving me insane." She licked her hand and slapped it down trying to slick down the enemy. We all laughed and Pearl pulled a comb out of her purse and gracefully tossed it to Peridot, which made her spaz out and drop all the clothes she had changed out of.

"My turn to get ready then." I slid out of the bed and held my feet over the cold floor knowing standing I was gonna be sore. Going to and from the close bathroom made me ache. I stood with a bit of effort and swayed for a moment, but found my footing and I walked to the bathroom and changed into the soft dress and combed out my hair with my fingers leaving soft waves. I thanked the universe for the hospital leaving a small disposable toothbrush for me to use as I got ready.

I stepped out of the bathroom and everyone stopped talking and looked at me.

"Dang, Lapis looking good," Amethyst said through powdered sugar lips.

"Yea get it, Pearl you made a good choice."

"Well, thank you, Garnet. Lapis it does look quite stunning on you." Pearl was flushed with praise.

"Wow, you look stunning Lapis." Peridot's eyes looked me up and down. My face immediately flushed and burned hot.

"Thanks, looking pretty good yourself handsome, now let's get out of here." I was happy to see Peri blush back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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