Chapter 3- Nerves and Tea

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Peridot was in the middle of the room stretching her arms and cracking her knuckles. Her friends were on discord talking loudly and over each other all warming up in their own way. Peridot seemed to be the most nervous, the rest seemed like this was for fun, but she had winning on her mind. She paced back and forth in front of me and her computer after her stretches. She muted herself and then the party. She turned to me with a look of concern "This tournament means a lot more than they know. I am their captain and I have signed our team up for qualifying and continuing on. I think we have what it takes. I am the best ADC in this region, Bascalist is the best mage I've ever seen, but he's to scared to play ranked, Tangerine is quite a good tank needs some work being a team player, but sometimes her being cocky is to our benefit, but it could be disastrous -" I couldn't tell if this conversation was at me or she was just talking to herself out loud at this point. This was way beyond me and my knowledge of games which was pretty much skeeball and Meat Beat Mania at Funland. She continued mumbling to herself about the other two on her team being team players and knew they would be able to handle whatever the other teams threw at them.

"Hey, I bet you'll do great and if you don't there are other tournaments right?" I honestly didn't know how tournaments and ranking worked.

"Yeah, but this one is a big one and there won't be an opportunity till next season. I also don't want them to catch on to my plans if we lose they will lose confidence and bail for next year and I can't lose them. They are some of my closest friends. I shouldn't have signed us up for the competitive tournament I should have just left it at the fun tournament I'm such a clod!" She started panicking more, hyperventilating.

"It's alright. Here wait right here" I held her shoulders and set her in her comfortable rolling chair and ran to the back grabbing two mugs. I threw together a tea mixture some lavender, oolong, and some sweet blue pea flowers. Giving the tea a vivid blue color that would hopefully calm her nerves. I brought it over to her slightly rocking from. "Here you go try some of this it may help a little".

"Tea comes in blue? You are full of surprises Lapis" She smelled in the sweet air coming off of the mug. She took a sip. "Gah, needs more sugar or honey how do you drink just the straight tea?" Her reaction was adorable and had me giggling.

"I don't know sometimes I add stuff, but I like the flavor of the petals they are sweet or tart in their own way and I don't want something to get between me and that taste." As I said this she dumped about three spoons of wildflower honey into her mug.

"Ahhh, that's better." her shoulder relaxed.

It was quick to go back to tense as the front door swung open and a short girl, but still slightly taller then Peridot half screamed "P-dot there you are. I have been looking everywhere for you. I saw your car out front and everywhere else is closed I have never been in here before its cute. Oh and sorry I had to borrow some money to take Pearl to lunch to apologize for breaking the window and making her help cover it up. You should have seen her face when she saw the mess." She curled in on herself laughing.

Peridot spun in her chair moving to the girl with a grace I didn't know she had "Amethyst, you... you clod..." Amethyst went silent and tilted her head back staying curled in but looking at the small girl now towering over her. "You made me hack into the school's database to make sure no one reported the window. The security system caught me and they took my wifi away till they see if I am a threat to the system or not and you took my money without asking you owe me big. And right before my tournament, you know how much it means to me." She broke down in tears as she was yelling, anger is not a mode she can stay, in dropping to sit on the floor.

Amethyst looked like she wanted to curl in the rest of the way on herself and just die. "I'm sorry I didn't think you'd get caught, dude. I'll make it up to you I'll go to the office Monday when they open and tell them I broke it and I made you try and see if there was a report on it. I'll get your money back too." She reached out lightly to touch Peridots shoulder "I promise".

Peridot looked up teary-eyed at the girl with soft billowing lavender hair and grabbed her into a hug. "It's ok I'm sorry I yelled. I never yell. Are you mad at me?" Anger was gone as fast as it came.

"P-dot you say sorry too much. I deserve it I didn't ask to take the money and I kinda got you in the dog house with the computer safety guys." She hugged Peridot back and lifted her slightly off the ground. She caught eyes of me as she was lifting Peridot. "Hey P whos that? She's cute, but that's right you're seeing someone."

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