Chapter 6: Aftermath

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Blaze's POV:

"Blaze?" Called a voice. I opened my eyes to see Cleo. "What?" I asked. She stared at me and smiled. "There's something really cool downstairs. Your gonna love it." She said. "Cleo you know your not allowed to say that unless there's case of blood downstairs." I said. She grinned. I gasped and quickly got up. We ran downstairs to see a two crates in the living room. It had a note on it.

Blaze, your mother and I are on our first shift of searching for the Great Orb. Since your getting married soon, here's a little going away present. Try not to drink all of it so quickly. There's a second one for your sister. We'll be back around 8:00. Love Dad.

I stared at the note. "So which one is yours?" Cleo asked, climbing on the couch. I opened them both to see which had more in. I counted. The right had more. I chose the right one. "This one." I said, picking it up. Cleo looked in hers. "Hey!!! Yours have two more than I do!!" She whined. I quickly ran upstairs. She ran after me. I quickly ran in my room and shut & locked the door. She banged on it. "Uggghhhh!!! Blaze I hate you!!!" She screamed as she went back downstairs. "Love you too!!!!?" I yelled. I took out a bag of blood and drank it. I looked at the bags. Two won't hurt right? Nah it won't hurt at all. I grabbed another bag and drunk it. I heard a ping. I looked at my phone. I walked over to see a text from Terra.

Terra👫: Class starts in ten. Where are you?!
Blaze: Sorry. Overslept.
Terra👫: Hurry up and get here.

I sighed and walked to the bathroom. I took a shower, did my hair, brushed my teeth, grabbed by bag and headed out the door. "Cleo, lets go." I called out. She came running downstairs already dressed. She had a bag of blood in her hands. "Uh Cleo? You can't have that in school. You'll get in trouble. Most importantly, you'll freak everyone out." I said. "Well I'm hungry so this is my food." She said, as she walked past me out the door. "Well drink it fast. If Mom hears about you bringing blood to school, your grounded." I said. She began to drink faster. After I dropped her off at school, I drove to my own. I pulled up to see Kyle and them all standing around outside. I got out and ran up to them. "Hey guys. Thanks so much for waiting. Can we talk?" I asked. "Can it wait?  Class already started." Kira said. "Okay." I said. We walked to our first class.

I walked in to see Terra with her arms crossed. She glared at me. Great. She's pissed at me. When is t she? As the professor blabbed on about science, Kyle and I texted.

Kyle: Dude I can't get that girl out of my head.
Blaze: What girl?
Kyle: Keisha. Damn this girl is something else.
Blaze: So is Angel. Terra can't compare to her.
Kyle: Speaking of which, she's glaring at you dude.
Blaze: I know.
Kyle: What happened with y'all last night?
Blaze: We left on good terms. I don't know why she acting like this.
Kyle: She probably pregnant.
Blaze: God I hope not.

I turned around to look at her. Terra was writing down notes. At the end of class, me and Kyle walked down the hall. I wanted to talk to him more about Angel. But I felt like we were being followed. I grabbed his arm and turned a corner. Turns out I was right. Terra was following us. I pulled Kyle into the bathroom. "Dude what's up?" He asked. "Terra's following us." I said. "What? Why?" He asked. "I guess to talk to me. I don't want to talk to her right now. I wanna talk to you." I said. He stared at me. "Dude that don't sound right." He said. "Look. I wanna talk to you about Angel." I said. "And I wanna talk about Keisha." He said. "We can do that. We can also ask Kacey if she can help us get with them." I said. He grinned. "This why you my nigga." He said. "I'll text Kacey and ask her." I said. "Ask her if she can get Keisha to hook up with me." He said. "I will I will." I said.

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