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Sal's POV
"Sal wake up!" I look up to see who's trying to get me out of bed "Travis?" "Here I made you some breakfast." "W-where- Why?" "They let me go I didn't have that bad of injury's." "But your arm was broken-" "shhh all that matters is I'm home and now I'm here for you sal," he sets the tray of food on are bed side table, cupping both his hands on ether side of my face "did you feed willow omia and zayden?" I ask "of course, now enough worrying and time to eat." "What about you!" "I did." I give a look of doubt. "Will it help if I take a bite of yours then?" I cut some of the egg with a fork and hold it out for him to eat.
"There now eat." He leans forward kissing my forehead and leave the room. I eat the meal and get up quickly regretting it as I feel light headed o sit back down feeling my stomach twisted and turn I get up running into the closest bathroom throwing myself into the toilet throwing up I lay my head in the crook of my elbow making sure I was good enough to get up without spilling my guts all over the bathroom floor.
Standing up i lean over the sink and turn on the water washing my hands then turn the water to cold splashing some on my face. I dry off my face with a hand towel and look up at my reflection in the mirror. But am met with a blood covered room looking around me I see that the entire room was covered in blood. I blink a few times then the room returns to normal. I go out to the kitchen looking for Travis I get down the hall and walk down the stairs. I turn into the living space going to the kitchen and come face to face with the love of my life.
"Travis?" I say coming closer to him I look at him seeing if he makes any moves. "Travis." I say once again this time bringing my hand up to his shoulder. He grabs my wrist the fresh wounds stinging from his tight grip. "Travis your hurting me." He doesn't move or say a word. "Travis that hurts." I pull my hand away from his grip falling in the proses of doing so. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Travis yells at me. "What do you mean I didn't do anything." I say trying to defend myself. "IF YOU WEREN'T SO COUGHT UP IM BEING ALL DUMB OVER A CAT I WOULDN'T HAVE HAD TO WORRY ABOUT YOU AND WOULDN'T BE IN THE HOSPITAL." "I was scared that he would have died I had that cat for as long as I can remember." "ITS YOUR FAULT I WAS ABUSED BY MY FATHER." "I NEVER ASKED FOR YOU TO FALL IN LOVE WITH ME!" I yell back "OH LIKE I ASKED TO FALL IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE AS PATHETIC AS YOU!" "Why are you being so mean to me what has gotten into you." "NOTHING IS WRONG WITH ME I JUST OPEND MY EYES AND SEE WHAT WAS REALLY GOING ON." I stand up but get pushed back down by Travis.
I try standing once more just to earn a slap across the face. I put my hand up my cheek and look at him in pure horror and shock. He comes closer to me and I scoot back further and further until I'm pressed up against the wall I closed my eyes preparing myself for another smack. "SAL,WAKE UP." I hear a voice, and something shaking me I sit up and look around confused on what just happened I put my hand up to my cheek and hold it there fighting back tears. "It felt so real" I say to myself. "What did?" I hear ash say I look over at her and without warning the bottle that was holding all my tears and emotions breaks and I let everything out at once.
" it's okay ev-." "No it's not,no it's not, stop scoring like it is you know it's not going to get better only worse so stop trying to ack like it will." I say threw my tears and sobs.
"It will, it will get better just not right away you need to understand that it won't come as fast as you think but it will." "How are you so sure you haven't been through anything like this at all how would you figure it will get better?" "I...i-." "Just dont it's not working." I wave my hand in dismissive. I get out of bed and head straight to the kitchen making some food for my kids.
I set the table and get them all ready for breakfast with a cup of orange juice. I put on my fake smile and sit down to eat with them not able to eat a single pice of what I made. They go back too there room I clean up let ziggy out, and check on gizmo feeding him in the process. I clean up the dishes and hand dry them I look at my phone and see if I have any calls from the hospital.
"You can go I'll watch the kids." I hear ash says "no you don't need to do that." I say "it's fine you need some time alone anyway." She says "thank you,and I'm sorry for being so harsh to you." "No its fine I totally get it your going through a tough time." "That's not and excuse." "Whatever it's okay, just go and let me know everything thats going on." "Will do." I say she turns back around and heads out the kitchen. "Oh ash." "Yeah?" "The baby bumps obvious." I say looking at her with a smile.

(Boo yeah another chapter thank you for 2K READS THATS SOOOOOO CRAZY YALL ARE THE BEST. Thank you for reading my book lads and ladies and nonbinary yetis I'll see you in the fanfic world wish love peace my lovely dudes.)

(I'm sorry for the short chapter.)

It takes more than time||sally face x travis Phelps (FINISHED) (done editing)Where stories live. Discover now