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Messages> Yikadoodles
Wednesday, 21:30

uH... Hello? Kinda refreshing
to have a new diary haha

 Hello? Kinda refreshingto have a new diary haha

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mm how do i start

I feel so shitty
these days, the bullying
has started again but i
didnt tell ji

what can i do? it is
how it is

i cause enough trouble
for him already. im glad
i can rant here openly

i hate these freckles.
they still call me names
at school, the concealer
wont work anymore since
they found out and call
me a fag for
wearing make up.

i cant
cover it up and i
hate it so bad

i havent even touched
my psychology assignment
so bye for now

Thursday, 10:43

oh no

i hate school i
wanna get out of here
:( yiKEs


im bored and third-wheeling
so hard

That dumb squirrel invited
his ugly crush (Jin) out
and now i feel stoopid
tHEyRe sO FLiRty ew gross

That dumb squirrel invitedhis ugly crush (Jin) outand now i feel stoopidtHEyRe sO FLiRty ew gross

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when will that cowardly
jisungie man up and
confess? *hUfF*

speaking of which
there's a blind woman

it makes me wonder,
can blind people see
their dreams?

hOLd oN.. if a word is
misspelled in the
dictionary, would anyone
ever know?

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I dont want to go to school

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