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Liked by sriracha_, jeesung, peppa

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Liked by sriracha_, jeesung, peppa.pig and 17,390 others

min.know  what the fひck did Australia do to both of you¿

Tagged || @c.banggg, @yongbox_

c.banggg hey we look cute :)))))))))))))
  -min.know wtf is up with all those )s u crepe
  -jeesung did you just call him crepe
  -yongbox_ nooo 🅱lease don't disrespekt my bangchunk
  -min.know o shit Felix you sound like Chris now
  -its.seung hello 911 Felix got the Chrinfection
  -c.banggg cancelled.

peppa.pig Awwyyy couple goals
y.jeong Bang Chan protec
wjinxx look at them pretending to be innocent after stealing my food
wjinxx  y'all fake 😔 I need my chicken drumlets back
  -c.banggg too late :p

jeesung lmao craccheads
  -its.seung ChanLix starts with C and so does crackheads
  -min.know you mean to say Changbin* starts with C
  -spearbean I literally bREATHED MAN why u so r00d

parkjeenyong that dude Chris is holding is so smol omg 😔😔😔
  -cabbage09 that's his boyfriend Felix! They're so cute 😭😭
  -pepperoni I need someone to hold me like that 😭❤️
  -beetchface it's gross, they're gay and they'll go to hell
  -c.banggg I came from the depths of hell so your point is?

yongbox_ ^ Chris stop flexin, you came from Mrs. Bang's womb and we all know that
  -c.banggg 🅱itch how dare you

hwangjin sponge bob in the back is staring at Chris's ass
  -min.know he's staring at the Chribooty
  -jeesung his ass is called Chrass tho?
  -its.seung I thot it was chrooty--
  -yongbox_ y'all what the fuck

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