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< Incoming Call >
Weird Flex 💀

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"Ey hoelix, congratulations on interrupting
my cuddle time with Minmin"


"Fuck, I'll be there. Wait for me okay?"

Call ended

"What did he say? What's the problem?" Minho asked, snuggling his head into Jisung's neck, before the latter pulled away in a hurry once his phone call ended.

"Nothing. He said nothing, that's the problem Minho he's not okay-" Jisung stopped to catch his breath,

"Minho, please drive me home. Quick." He panicked, for a moment he didn't know what to do, his words were caught up in his throat. Minho wrapped the boy in a reassuring embrace,

"Alright babe, let's go."


"What happened to Felix?" Minho's voice sounded, breaking the painful silence on the car ride back home.

"H-He was crying.. Min he doesn't cry even after getting bullied! This must be bad, right? Shit,"

"Ssh, we're by his side, yeah? He'll be okay."

"I hope.."


"We're here. I'll be outside if you need anything."

"It's fine Minho, I don't want to keep you waiting."

"Take care babe."

Jisung hurried into the dorms, rushing to get to his best friend's side. He burst through the door and was met with a dim-lit room and the Aussie nowhere in sight. Well, until Jisung walked in further and whipped his head towards the subtle sobs and hicks that could barely be heard.

"Lix, I'm here now, I'm right here." Jisung said softly, reaching out to the small figure buried under a pile of blankets on the bed. He lifted the layers off, revealing Felix's petit frame curled up, holding a huge, tear-soaked penguin plushie in a tight embrace. The boy slowly pushed himself up and sat cross-legged, facing his friend.

"J-Jisung I," Felix paused, fiddling with the sweater paws his oversized hoodie created as his lips quivered downwards, "I fucked up," he choked out through his sobs. He used the bottom of his palms to harshly rub his eyes in an attempt to force-stop the tears. His hair was an utter mess, eyes swollen and red.

(A/n; stays found dead due to elimination flashbacks-)

"Come here lix," Jisung pulled the crying mess before him into a hug, "cry all you want, and then tell me what happened." He clenched his teeth at the thought that he couldn't protect his precious friend from getting so hurt.

"He's gone, he hates me now-" Felix broke into another fit of tears, causing Jisung's heart to shatter at the sight. He rubbed Felix's back, hoping to make the boy feel in the least bit better.


"And then he blocked you?" Jisung asked, intently listening to his friend talk, while Felix on the other hand had to bit down on his quivering lips after each word he spoke, to hold his tears back.

"I shouldn't have reacted that way.. It's my fault, right?" Felix's voice came softer than he intended, he felt his nose tickle and vision blur all over again.

"No no no, Felix, no. It was no one's fault, baby. Let's see what we can do to fix this okay?" Jisung reassured, earning a small nod from Felix, "give me his number, I'll text him."

Messages> +82 xx-xxx-xxxx

Hey Chris, it's Han
Not delivered

Oh fuck
Not delivered

!Alert: This number is out of reach.!

< Incoming Call >
Minmin ❤️

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"Hannie, Chris left."

"What- what do you mean?"

"He's not in Korea anymore. I came
home to a note that said he's
leaving at two, it's past three now.."


"Don't tell Felix yet,, I don't
want him to feel worse. Did they fight?"

"Yeah, I'll talk to you later okay, babe?"

"Alright, take care of Felix. Text
me if you need anything."

"I will."

Call ended

"What did he say? Did Chris reply?" Felix questioned, gulping when the name slid off his tongue like lighting an open wound on fire.

"Oh he didn't reply.. Felix, get some rest okay? I'll work with Minho on this. I know it doesn't feel like it, but it'll all be okay." Jisung ran his fingers through the blond's hair, ruffling it as Felix leaned in to the comforting touch.

"Thanks Ji.. I'm hungry," Felix started with a pout, "..and I miss him."

"I know, lix. We can go over to Jin's if you feel like it. Grab something to eat, get ice cream and then cuddle while we watch your favourite movie?" Jisung hoped the invitation would cheer the hurt boy up, and felt relieved when he saw Felix's tired eyes light up at the suggestion.

"Okay," he said, letting out a big huff, as if doing so would wash away the pain stabbing at his heart. They readied themselves to go, but Jisung couldn't help feeling unsettled. Where's Chris? Is this the end? Will things ever work out?

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