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In the south bank of Yarra River, Chris walked through the crowded pathways in The Alexandra Gardens, the late spring saplings crushed softly beneath each of his footstep. The evening sky appeared like ribbons of purple, red, and orange; an alluring combo that stretched out into infinity.

The slightly icy wind sent shivers down Chris's body, making him regret choosing to wear shorts. It had been only about three days since Chris set foot in his home country, Australia. He turned his gaze over to the riverfront view; the sun was setting like a bright medallion melting into a vast sea of liquid gold. The breathtaking beauty certainly helped Chris feel refreshed, but it did nothing to cease the heartache he couldn't wash away.

Chris couldn't lie, he really missed the one person that consumed every thought in his mind. No matter how hard he tried to push them to the back of his mind, it resurfaced and burnt every inch of his soul. Felix. That's all he could think of.

In every direction he looked, he could see the freckled boy, but it always turned out to be a figment of his imagination. Still, his heart didn't fail to skip each time his mind played the same trick on him. His only resort to feel in the slightest bit better was to pull out his phone and swipe through the many photos he had of Felix, even if his heart yearned for more than that.

Chris mindlessly continued on his way, he passed by countless jubilant couples having a pleasant time, happy families enjoying themselves and groups of friends out for fun. He even passed by a number of individuals catcalling him, but nothing seemed to get into Chris's head. Did Felix miss him just as much? Was he taking care of himself? Will they ever make up?

A sigh of despair escaped Chris's lips, he lifted his head and something caught his attention; more like someone. Chris slowed down and stared right at a morose brunette boy's side profile. Where did he recognise him from? The boy was seated with a gloomy expression painted over his face.

"Is that Han?" Chris whispered to himself, narrowing his eyes to look at the brunette but to no vail, he was unable to see clearly if his supposition was right. Beside him was a blonde male figure Chris could vaguely make out, furiously wiping at his eyes with the bottom of his long black sleeves. He took a few hesitant steps forward, close enough to the two figures-

-and stopped dead in his tracks.


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