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Liked by its.seung, min.know, maaatryoshka and 2614 more

spearbean @min.know can't get his gay ass off the phone even after JUST returning from his date :P he thirsty indeed..

Tagged || @min.know

min.know I still look prettier than you
yongbox_ ^ Nah you look great, binnie 😃 😃
-spearbean thankies Lix😇
c.banggg 👀
-spearbean And I oop! I oop! 😛

Messages> Chris

Chris 💕
@spearbean knows you??

Felix 😍
Changbin yes 🌚
we talk I guess?

Man he FInE

And his rap omg he
is so seowdskcdkc

Chris 💕
mHmMMM u never told
me u talk to him

anywhoo don't you
miss my face

Felix 😍
What if I do 👀

Chris 💕

Minho forced me to go tothe beach with him

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Minho forced me to go to
the beach with him

Felix 😍
Felix: *found dead*

Chris 💕
So hey uh

What if we met irl
( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)

Felix 😍
No thanks ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╭∩╮

NOw then, goodbye,
I've got homework

Chris 💕
( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
I want to meet you tho

Felix 😍
I don't want to meet yOu tHo

Chris 💕
At least think about it!

A t l e a s t  a voice call??

meanlix :(

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