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Liked by hyungs.wons, min.know, bobthebuilder and 10,487 more

c.banggg  On our way back to KR ♡

Tagged || @yongbox_, @jeesung

jeesung  how dare you not include me in the photo I'm gonna burn your blond hair off
  -c.banggg oop- sorry lmao you were too busy on the phone

sam.therose  have a safe flight, love birds 😏
_jyps_legs  Are you serious?! I thought it was a joke, I'm so disappointed
  -flaminghoe yeah same, I wished Chris was pranking us because that Felix guy is so ugly
  -chris.is.mine me too! I can't believe they're gay 😠😠 it's all that faggot's fault, Chris was never gay!
  -kingkong01 Chris is the disgusting one here, Felix deserves better! They're so ugh
  -hwangjin   If anything's 'ugh', it's your behaviour, bitches

y.jeong yay I can't wait until we all meet up!
wjinxx   ^ Same! And have some fried chicken
min.know  come back safely, bitch faces and Felix uwu
  -jeesung bitch f- ..I thought you loved me
  -min.know ofc I do, bitch face ☺️

yongbox_ this is why I told you we should've chosen business or economy class :( I wanted to sit next to you
  -c.banggg aw baby ❤️😘 we can cuddle when we get back, yeah?
  -hwangjin wow hold your fucking horses, are y'all official?
  -jeesung yes they were noisy Felix screamed it was hellish the walls weren't soundproof
  -c.banggg what was that dying dolphin sound I just heard
  -yongbox_ I pinched his leg
  -jeesung  jeg*
  -min.know guys I need my baby alive pls don't kill him yet
  -its.seung 'yet'

Messages> Channie ❤️

Baby Lix 😘
um Chris why are sticking your hand
back you're creeping me out I'm
gonna push the emergency button

Channie ❤️
Hold it, silly

Baby Lix 😘
Oh-  that was almost cute but..

No. because I wanted to sit with
you but you got these seats and
I'm mad at you

Channie ❤️
Baby pleade

Baby Lix 😘
And you can't type with one hand

Channie ❤️
Fine You're getting it once we land

Baby Lix 😘

GLARED AT U good for you

Channie ❤️
Put your phone away before I tell
her, baby

Baby Lix 😘
And if I don't?

Channie ❤️
I'll flirt with her

Good boy :)

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