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Messages> Chris 💕

Felix 😍
Don't call me that.

Chris 💕
Why not?

You're upset

Felix talk to me and tell me
what the fuck's going on

baby, I'm here, aren't I?

Felix 😍
Don't fucking call me that Chris
don't call me baby like I'm
your only one for fuck's sake
stop don't say it anymore

Don't you have a boyfriend
already, why the fuck are you
talking to me like I'm the one
you love or something

Chris 💕
The actual fuck are you saying
Felix, I don't have a fucking

Felix 😍
Who the fuck is that in your
posts then?

Stop playing with people's
feelings, Chris you think it
doesn't fucking hurt

Chris 💕
Oh, so that's why you're mad?
He's someone important

Felix you don't even know him
and you think he's my boyfriend,
why don't you fucking ask me about
it instead of jumping to conclusion
like that's all you can do

Felix 😍
Why are you mad at me, you
never told me about him

You never told me about yourself
anyway, right why am I upset
about this

I'm nothing special to you

If he wasn't your boyfriend what
was the comments about, literally
that you're in love, don't
fucking lie to me Chris

Chris 💕
The fuck Felix, I'm not lying

you don't tell me about yourself
too, this isn't on my side alone

Felix 😍
I don't give a fuck anymore, you
have your fucking baby to talk to
and cuddle, why don't you go
straight to him

Chris 💕
Jeongin is not my fucking boyfriend,
Lee Felix. Fucking stop with that

Felix 😍
then who is he?! how the fuck do
you expect me to react when you
suddenly just,,,


Chris 💕
Well how the fuck did you expect
ME to react when YOU fucking met
one of MY best friend, Changbin,
in real life exactly on the day
that marked six months of our
first meeting?! You think I was
not bothered?

Felix 😍
You didn't tell me you remembered

Chris 💕
That is not the point, Lee Felix

Do you really fucking think I was
not hurt to see you're fine with
meeting my friends but not me?
When you make me feel like I'm
not even worth a fucking voice call!

Felix 😍
I don't wanna meet you anyway I
don't want you to see me irl or hear
my voice or get close to me Chris I
don't fucking want that

Chris 💕

Felix 😍
I'm not good enough to meet you yet
Not delivered

Chris, don't do this please
Not delivered

Don't leave me behind
Not delivered

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[A/n; this chapter hit close to home and I almost broke down because it brings back really unpleasant memories :') on that note, if any of you feel down, want to rant, or anything don't hesitate to hit me up bc I'm right here.]

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