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It was only about 7 am, the sun cast down splinters of golden light through the white laced curtains and into the voluminous room. Jisung neatly folded his favourite blue hoodie to place in the luggage bag, but paused,
"Hey Lix, do people wear hoodies in Australia?"

Felix let out a hearty chuckle as he picked out a few pairs of jeans and shorts, what in the world was this boy high on? Hoodies? In Australia? At this time of the year?

"It must be real hot there now, Ji. You wouldn't survive-" Felix stopped and furrowed his eyebrows, confused, "wait- why are YOU packing?" He crossed his arms and stared at the squirrel boy frozen in his spot.

Jisung scratched the nape of his neck and forced out a laugh, "what do you mean why..? I'm coming along."

"I don't want to trouble you, Jisung."

"But I want to come! It's my choice.. And I wanna make sure you'll be okay." Jisung trailed off, eyes darting around as he poked his lips out into a pout.

"Alright," Felix sighed, giving in, "thanks a lot, Jisung. I'll treat you to my favourite steakhouse."

The announcement made Jisung's eyes sparkle with happiness as he replied with a huge grin and an excited yes before turning to resume packing.

A notification sounded through the rustling and shuffling. Felix zipped his backpack close and reached out for his phone.

IG| @y.jeong sent you a message

Instagram || Direct Messages
> @y.jeong

Hello c:

Can we talk?


I'm sorry if you misunderstood my
relationship with Channie hyung

But I'm dating his brother
I wanted to clear it up

Yeah sorry I kinda assumed you
were his boyfriend

It's okay! ^^

I've heard a lot about you
from him :D


Maybe you wouldn't anymore

:(( why??

We don't talk. Thanks for
hitting me up :)

You don't talk to Channie
hyung anymore?

Then, you don't know where
he is too?

What? I'm assuming he'd be at
home on a normal day

He isn't, he left without
telling us anything

And he's not replying to any
of our messages

Is everything okay?


Sorry I'm kinda occupied rn,,
I didn't know any of that

And I don't know where he is

Okay :(

I gtg, bye! Take care

You too take care! :3

I promise Chan isn't a bad
person so.. Please don't leave him


"Who's leaving who, huh? I'm the one that got blocked.."

Jisung heard Felix mutter to himself, and threw a questioning glance his way.


"That Jeongin dude texted me. Said Chris's gone somewhere."

Felix threw his phone onto the bed and turned to see if he had everything ready. Jisung stood still, wondering where on earth Chris could actually be. He couldn't brush the unsettling feeling off, all he wanted was for his best friend to be happy with the one guy he finally fell for. Why was it so difficult?

"Just making sure but.." Jisung started, shifting his gaze to Felix, who stared back at him awaiting to hear him continue. "..you have feelings for Chris right-- oh crap sorry I didn't mean to make you choke!"

Felix cleared his throat after choking on air, his face heated up with a very obvious filter of red on his cheeks. "Ahem.. I have what now?"

"Do you love Chris?"

"As in... Christopher Columbus? Or Chris Brown? Why should I?"

"Stop playing dumb you dork, I mean Bang Chan. The only Chris you're actually thinking about."

Felix tore his eyes off Jisung's and swallowed hard, fiddling with the earphones he intended to put into his bag.

"Okay so you do."

"I didn't said that.."

"But you do, we all know that, boy. Or why would such an argument even take place? You've been whipped since day one." Jisung said playfully, and if Felix's face could get even redder, it would.

Felix sighed in defeat, "Maybe I do.. It's stupid right? Someone like him, and then there's me. I don't deserve him.. Maybe that's why this hap- ow!"

With a scoff, Jisung tried to shut Felix up by slapping him with a pillow. And it worked. The boys broke out into a fit of laughter.

"Yknow Lix.. You're laughing but your eyes don't look happy." Jisung stated in a soft tone, looking at his friend with worry evident in his voice, "I swear if your little Aussie trip does not help, I'm locking you up in a room of clowns."

"Clowns- why clowns? I already live with one." Felix rolled his eyes and chuckled mischievously, causing Jisung to laugh as well.

"I was about to ask you if that's true until I realised you meant me." Jisung gasped dramatically, pretending to wipe a tear before both of them sighed in sync.

"Thanks for everything, Ji."

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