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Messages> Chris 💕

Chris 💕
Are you a florist?
Cuz ever since I met you,
my life has been rosey

Felix 😍
Pick up lines huh, that's new

Chris 💕
Tell me your heart fluttered

Felix 😍
Hmm Maybe it would if you tell
me what day it is today(≧∇≦)

Chris 💕
...Wednesday?? How does that
make your heart flutter, baby

Felix 😍
You really don't remember?|
You really d|

Oh. I was just joking! Haha
I've got some work to do,
bye Chris

Chris 💕
You've got work, at 12:15 am??

Felix 😍
I'm actually getting kinda
sleepy :(

You should sleep too

Chris 💕
Okay baby❤️

Tell me if you've got
something bothering you okay?

Sleep well


Chris 💕
Good morning baby, are
you free today?

Felix 😍

I've got plans, sorry



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Liked by c.banggg, yourbehaviourisso_ugh, jeesung and 3616 more

yongbox_ @spearbean thank you for today😇
Also guys, Ily = I love Yongbok so all of you love me 😛😛

Tagged || @spearbean

spearbean No, thank YOU Lix 😚 Only if MinHOE hadn't interrupted;;
-min.know stfu I had to drop my little squirrel

hwangjin      So ihy means I hate Yongbok💀😂
    -yongbox_ shut up ugly 😤

trigger.skz omggg two angels in one photo❤️
Ilovepeaches Is this a new ship I smell 😂👌
c.banggg oh y'all met.

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