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Felix sat by himself at the bar, eyeing the hypnotizing cocktails, refreshments and other drinks lined up against the shelf behind the unfamiliar man serving him. He took the glass of piña colada in his hand and shifted his gaze to the crowd of people either dancing their breaths away or flirting on many different levels. He spotted Jisung glued to Minho like a magnet at the opposite end of the room, and a sigh escaped his lips.

The venue Seungmin had rented to throw the party was massive, Felix could swear almost every single one of his schoolmate was here. It was half past six in the evening and he couldn't help but let out another big sigh. He had been seated in the same spot ever since he made his way inside. At some point, Changbin was with him but the boy got carried away in a conversation with somebody else. Felix was deeply bothered and made no attempt to hide it, all because of one reason; his lover was nowhere in sight.

"Chris wouldn't get this late, weird.." Felix muttered under his breath, more like to himself than to anyone else. His lips puckered into a pout as he fiddled with the straw of his cream coloured drink. The bartender gave him a questioning glance before returning to his work.

Felix rested his face on his palm, drifting off into a maze of multiple thoughts. The loud music blasting through the room was starting to irk him. He was so far-fetched from the world around him that he failed to notice someone had taken a seat beside him. The person eyed Felix intently, then reached over and slipped a piece of paper across the counter, catching Felix's attention.

"Hey cute stuff, you single?"

Felix shot his head up, his lips cracked into a wide grin, "Chris what the hell?" He laughed and inspected the paper, messily written over it was a phone number Felix knew all too well.

"I was wondering what a gorgeous boy like you would be doing by himself. Hit me up, maybe?" Chris joked with a wink, scooting closer to his boyfriend, now smiling so wide that his eyes formed into crescents.

"I'm sorry mate," Felix started, playing along, "I have a hot ass boyfriend already."

"Is he hotter than me?" Chris ran his tongue over his lips before gripping it between his teeth, breaking out into a playful smirk.

"That's impossible but yes." Felix replied, unable to wipe the smile off his face. He sighed for the millionth time, but now it wasn't out of distress, but rather relief. He sat still, staring into the depths of Chris's caramel eyes that gazed right back at him while the explosive music surrounding him faded into nothingness. Felix's hand subconsciously found its way to the hand Chris rested on the counter, intertwining their fingers together. Oh how they were each other's universe.



Liked by patrick_, wjinxx, shaun

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Liked by patrick_, wjinxx, shaun.the.sheep, jeesung and 13748 others

c.banggg Thank you @its.seung 💩💩

Tagged || @yongbox_

its.seung why the poop emoji u asshat
  -min.know it represents Chris
  -c.banggg shut up hoe

jeesung 🅱 u didn't tag any of us but only feLIX HUH
  -c.banggg um I tagged whatever was #1 on my priority list
  -spearbean not whoever, but 'whatever'..... @yongbox_ this isn't a good sign
  -yongbox_ wot
  -c.banggg @spearbean shut ur ugly mouth up u trashy triangle head
  -spearbean LOV u too 😍❤️😛

chicken.little it was so fun, thanks @its.seung for inviting us all!
cocaine_  oh nooo I didn't see Chris :(
min.know ew please delete this I look crusty as fuck
  -y.jeong omg Ikr did he really not get any other photo
  -hwangjin I look cute so I don't see the issue 👀👌
  -spearbean your sparkly outfit was hideous tho
  -hwangjin excuji me?! Not as hideous as your rusty crusty musty dusty face and ridiculously small (nonexistent) height
  -spearbean 🅰sshole my height had nothing to do with any of this (¬_¬)

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