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Felix shot his head up at the sound of an unfamiliar voice call his name, and in that moment, everything stopped.

The people around ceased to exist, Jisung's voice beside him faded into nothingness, the overly enchanting scenery surrounding him was suddenly insignificant; Felix couldn't tear his eyes off the caramel pair of eyes that he had longed to see since forever. His thought processes came to a halt, and only thoughts of Chris replayed inside his head like a recording playing on repeat. His heart leaped into his throat, pulsating at an inhuman pace but to him, in that very moment, he could do only one thing.

Felix could swear his legs moved on their own, because the next thing he knew, he had thrown himself onto Chris in a tight, suffocating hug, their hearts pounding against each other's. But did either of them care that they could barely breathe? Not in the least.

Felix felt a tempestuous whirlwind of emotions swirl inside him, he grasped onto the back of Chris's black pullover like his life depended on it, tears of unnamed feelings blurred his vision, burning his eyes as they soaked Chris's fabric, while Chris snaked his arms around the younger's delicate body.

It wasn't the time for such warm hugs, especially not in the middle of the conflict they were stuck in. But oh how it felt so right to be in each other's arms.

"Ch-Chris.." Felix managed to choke out between sobs, struggling to catch his breath.
Chris brought his hand up to Felix's face, every touch felt surreal, "Chris I'm,, I'm sorry- I really am--"

"Don't say anything."

And what could feel better than an embrace? Chris crashed his lips onto Felix's, connecting them like perfectly fitting pieces of a puzzle. The unfamiliar sensation set Felix's body on fire, causing him to melt right into the kiss, now flavoured with the sweetness from Chris's cherry lip balm. It was sloppy for their first time, but still passionate; the desperation and longing for each other evident in the way their lips moved in sync. Their minds went fuzzy, just one kiss felt like addiction and overdose. It wasn't enough, but at the same time it was more than enough to feel like cloud nine. Felix pulled away, both of them gasping for air when they paused; each taking in every intricate detail of the other's features.

For the first time ever, Chris observed just how flawlessly the galaxy of freckles littered over the younger's face like little pieces of glitter, now dusted with a soft blush. He was captivated by the other, from his amber eyes to his soft lips. To Chris, Felix was ethereal; the epitome of perfection. And he could easily tell by the look in Felix's teary yet love-struck eyes that the boy was thinking the same of him.

"I'm sorry for everything, baby."

The words felt like honey to Felix's ears, like nothing else mattered.

"You did NOT just do that right in front of my jiddies."

Felix turned around to see Jisung huff, hands crossed over his chest but forcefully managing to hold back a happy smile.

"And did you like it, Felix?" Jisung teased, "your first kiss was in public." he couldn't stifle his laughter anymore and let it out, accompanied by Chris chuckling at Felix's bright red face.

"Shut up, Jisung." Felix retorted, "you didn't see anything"

Chris's eyes popped out once he noticed how deep the voice that left the adorable boy's mouth was. He cleared his throat and covered it up, "How about we get a drink and catch up? I know a good place here."

"Yeah you got a lot of explaining to do, right lix?"

"Yup, let's go."

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