Ch. 28 Chunin Exams Pt. 3

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~Y/n pov~

We all stood outside of this forest, which appeared to be some sort of training ground.

Anko the instructor, called it the Forest of death.

"Eerr the forest of death." Naruto imitated as a kunai hit his cheek slicing it.

Anko smirked at him creepily.

The kunai was grabbed by a long tongue that belonged to a grass ninja.

The creepy long tongue lady handed Anko her kunai back.

We got some forms to sign in case we died and I signed it without hesitation.

Sasuke did the same.

Now we waited as it was explained to us.


So basically we have 5 days in the forest of death, and we have one out of two scrolls and have to collect the other one.

There is the earth scroll and the heaven scroll. Then we have to get tot the tower in the middle with them.

Sounds easy until you know you are hiding in a forest inhabited with creatures and have to fight teams that could kill you as you don't know their skill level and are going blindly into battle.

If we meet Gaara in there we are screwed.

After we all signed the consent forms, we went into a booth to get our scrolls.

We ended up getting a heaven scroll, whicheamt we would need to get an earth scroll to pass.

We stood at our gate waiting for when we could go.

"Go." The person at the gate yelled opening the gate.

We walked inside not looking back.


We were just walking along waiting to encounter other teams until Naruto piped up.

"I gotta go." he started unzipping his pants as I looked away slightly shocked.

Sakura quickly hit him on the head, "Not here idiot go find a Bush."

I'm glad Sakura said something.

Naruto wandered off in the forest and a few minutes later he returned.

"Aaah, there was so much I spelt my name." he sighed.

Sakura made a face of disgust, "Eww."

Sasuke threw a kunai at Naruto or should I say the imposter.

"Hey, it wasn't that bad as to hurt him Sasuke." Sakura complained.

"That's not Naruto it's an imposter." I said pointing out all the errors in the transformation jutsu.

He transformed back, "You got me."

We quickly knocked him out and the real Naruto came back this time.

We all gathered in a circle.

"We need a password." Sasuke stated as the others nodded.

"The question will be at what time does an enemy strike." Sasuke started, "and the answer is an enemy strikes when it's dark outside and the time is right."

"Could you repeat that?" Naruto asked.

"No." Sasuke responded sternly.

A huge gust of wind blew us apart. I grabbed onto Sasuke's arm and he grabbed onto mine.

Me and Sasuke looked at eachother and Sakura walked towards us.

"when does the enemy strike?" Sasuke asked.

Sakura said the answer perfectly.

We all grouped together and looked around, Naruto could be seen approaching.

"Password?" Sasuke asked him.

Naruto also said it perfectly. It all clicked into place.

The password wasn't to know who was who. I was to find any imposter as Naruto was the easiest to pretend to be as he always gets seperated.

Naruto would never remember the password, this is another imposter.

"It's an imposter." Sasuke said.

This time Sakura nodded, I have taught her well.

So called Naruto, smirked and their fake appearence faded away.

Revealing that creepy long tongued  lady from before.

Something feels off, like we are facing something far greater than we could of imagined.


608 words

A/n IMPOSTER! yellow kinda sus 👀

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